Within the minute, Jonas did not waste any second. He took his father’s truck and drove home to let the team know of what had transpired and try to figure out a way to help him. Although David might have told Jonas to tell his mother about it, he just meant the opposite.
He never wanted Jonas to let his mother know about the incident. Instead, he was telling him to let Jean know of what had happened and to tell her to lie low. He never wanted her to risk showing herself trying to save him. He knew she would because she was the only one that could clear his name. Jonas may have been a witness to clear his father but the fact that he was family and was termed as unstable could not help him much.
Just to think the day could not get any worse for him; Kate had switched on her phone ready to talk to him about their situation. She called him as he was driving home to let Peterson, Matthew and Jean know of what had happened to his father.
Jonas held the steering

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Back at the precinct, the captain had the right reason and moment to call the Clairvoyant, which was a rare occurrence. The Clairvoyant called most of the time giving him orders on what to do or threats when he seemed not to meet the Martian’s expectation. This time, he needed to know whether the Clairvoyant was behind David’s capture and the reason for him to have him arrested.“The world should be ending right about now for you to be calling me captain. Was I not clear about me contacting you and not the other way round?” the Clairvoyant asked furiously.“I am sorry to bother you but, I just had to update you on the current events,” Meake said.“And what current events are these you talk about captain?”“Are you aware that the soldier has just been arrested?”“You mean your consultant soldier?”“Yes, he is the one I am talking about,”“Of cours
Upon Jonas reaching Peterson’s house, all could not help but notice his wretched face. Since he had left in the company of his father that morning, his lone and early return introduced them to what he was about to drop on them. They knew it could not be any good. He put himself together to tell them of what had happened.“Jonas, where is your father and why are you here this early looking like you just had a fight with a semi-trailer?” Jean asked upon seeing the look on his face.“Some very bad things are happening to me today. A semi-trailer would be preferable,” Jonas replied.“What do you mean some very bad things are happening to you today? Where is David?” Peterson asked curiously.“I am afraid but, Claire has just gotten him arrested by agents from CIB,”“What do you mean has gotten him arrested? For what? Do they arrest people for no reason these days too?” Matthew asked looki
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The following morning, at around 8 a.m., David was scheduled for court. He was driven there in a convoy of three vehicles under armed tight security. Agent Claire among a few other select agents of the CIBSC unit made sure of that. A few minutes later, they arrived at the courthouse.David’s crew had found nothing concrete they could use to defend him. Ruddick had joined them that day. He had to help in every way he could. With not much of an option, Jonas drove to the courthouse in the company of Peterson and Ruddick.The previous day, David had instructed Jean not to get involved. She and Matthew had to stay back at Peterson’s house. Matthew, being a well-known proscribed hacker was not in good terms with the law to show his face at the court.Shortly, Jonas arrived at the courthouse. They all went in to listen to the ruling. It was one moment they felt helpless and useless to David the most. They had to sit in court and listen as the judge took Da
Out of the blues, “If I am to ask, where is the captain? How could he miss such an event?” Peterson asked. All of them looked at each other in a way to suggest; no one knew and cared to ask until that moment.David too had a question to ask, “Have anyone seen or heard from John as well?”As it appeared, no one had seen him for the past couple of days since he left the lair.Agent Claire had to ask a question as well, “This John you talk about…is he the same detective John I’ve heard about?”“Yes he is detective John, my former partner. He works with us these days.” Jean said.Then did agent Claire know of John’s wellbeing and to being part of the team. Without waste of time, they flexed their muscles working together by finding the two more members of the crew missing.Jonas added, “The captain was at the precinct as of yesterday. I left him there.”“
The following morning, they all gathered at the precinct to begin their mission. With the authority from the judge, and support from both KCPD as well as CIBSC, they had every reason to solve the case without doubt or delay.After David’s exoneration, Jean had a theory about who the killer might have been. Just before she could share it with the team, Paul, the new detective was getting ready to go back to his former precinct. Just before leaving, Meake had something for him as well.He walked towards Paul at his desk, “Detective Paul, where do you seem to be going?” Meake asked.Paul stopped packing his things, “I am getting ready to go back to my precinct sir,” he responded.Meake walked towards his office, “Follow me detective, in my office,”Paul followed Meake into the office, “Okay sir.”As they walked, Meake turned back at Paul, “And who gave you the order detective?” h
That day, President Hiram Boniface was to be at the Kibich Central Park for a fund drive for the renovation of the Credonia National Museum. Besides his security detail, the police had to be at the park to give hand in the security. That was the best opportunity for the team to be at the presidential fund-drive.It was the perfect time to have a word with Peter, or, to execute the soldiers’ plan. They got ready and left the precinct for the event. Shortly after their arrival, President Hiram Boniface arrived. It was time for the event to begin. Just before the president’s speech, the captain got a call from the precinct.It was detectives Paul and Randy. They had come across another body in the city. Of course, not the normal murder but the usual bloodless. This time, the body had yet another message. Since they were best equipped for the task, they had to split up.Ruddick, Matthew and Jonas were not at the president’s event. They were still a
Peterson and John were very keen watching for any anomalies in wait for David’s signal. David was still after Peter for a meet. Their plan was to use the meet to capture him for questioning. David got directions from Peter Anderson for the location of meet. It was on the sixth floor of a hotel building across the street from the Central Park.Minutes later, he was almost at the door when he heard chaos outside. Peterson gave him a call to notify him of an attempt on the president’s life by a sniper. The bullet fatally injured Peter Jones, the director of CPSD. Curious, he entered the room quick to look at the situation from the window. To his surprise, he met a long gun positioned aiming at the podium. He suspected something was terribly wrong.Upon walking out of the room, he met his spotter, Peter in the company of two more CPSD agents. They reached for their weapons. It was at that moment he realized Peter had set him up for the president’s attempt
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Chapter XCVIII
A while later, they arrived at the location and took cover leaving only Claire. Such an ambush was the best advantage they had against the Clairvoyant. He had played them long enough. It was time they got to be one-step ahead of him.On his arrival, before he could even get a chance to leave his vehicle, they began to give him their best. Indeed, he was the true Clairvoyant for bullets did not seem to have much effect on him. He switched to his alien form to deal with them squarely as well. He was one very ugly beast in his alien being and scary to even look at.As Jonas was busy weakening him with his powers, the rest of the team was busy giving him everything they had. Indeed, they were very ready for the battle. They had gotten every weapon they could get their hands on at the precinct to fight against the beast. He was one tough alien to kill. Were it not for the Chosen, truly, the world was doomed and about to end. All the power he had to challenge Jonas with and
Chapter XCVII
A while later, they arrived at the church and got the key. After putting it to the port, it was a perfect fit and the chest opened revealing yet another scroll for them to read. As usual, it was another paradox that they needed to solve if they were to be anywhere near making sense of it.The message read, ‘He who is chosen has everything needed to defeat the evil one. His weakness is his greatest weapon and tool against he that seeks to destroy. Beware, he has to be defeated before the sun meets the moon else, he shall grow strong and will be unbeatable. In the shadows, he has lived waiting to the time. When the time does come, he shall have the power of the seven equestrians in one body. You must not let this happen, otherwise, the world is doomed to come to end. As always, you should have faith and believe in yourself for only then will your weakness be your only strength against him.’Having read the message on the scroll, it was clear to them that inde
Chapter XCVI
On another part of the city was Jonas and Jean as well. It was also their first time in an amorous relationship with each other. Since theirs was more of an ambush, they had not a good chance to properly express each other’s affections besides the stolen glances to each other as they worked together. They too decided to make up for the lost time. Unlike John and Claire who were trying to build a relationship from a first date, theirs was different.Their first date came after their relationship had already taken off. His visions, Rebecca’s journals and the chest made it so. They had gone out for their first date as well. They were not the hotel type though. Instead of booking a table for two at an elite hotel, they decided to make theirs unique. They chose the top of the greatest tower in the city for their venue. It was the very same place he kissed his first girlfriend Kate for the first time.The date was not as normal as any other first date. Theirs inv
Chapter XCV
The Clairvoyant was no more. They finally culminated the case. Being free, it was time to embark on other better things. After the captain’s burial, it was time to concentrate on their lives. They had spent so much time working the case that they did not have enough for leisure and personal lives.John embarked on his new mission, to take Claire out as promised. He prepared himself and dressed to look his best. That day was one among the few countable that he wore a tuxedo. He surely looked good in the black so-fitting tuxedo. After the meticulous preparation was over, he walked out magnificently and drove to Claire’s place to pick her up. Considering the fact that fate had taken Jonas from her, she needed to give John a chance. After all, she was also very eager to hear what he had to say. He had promised her an explanation on how Ruth was not his wife nor Eve his daughter.After a short drive, he arrived at her residence. As usual, in his hands was a bouq
Chapter XCIV
Indeed, their plan worked so well and Peterson fell for the trap, so they thought. What they did not know was that Peterson had something in store for them as well. Instead of showing up at the hospital as they thought and expected, he planned a rendezvous of his own. They had made a good plan but with one omission; the Clairvoyant was as clever as they were.He knew their greatest weakness was caring about people. He knew they would go to any lengths just to save a life. He got hold of a few hostages and called David. He instructed them to head to his rendezvous point if they were at any position of saving the hostages.That was the time they fully realized that he would have never fell for their first idea about David trying to make him feel guilty. Since they had him believe Jonas was hospitalized, they had to keep it so. Someone had to play the role of Jonas. Peterson made his plan just to make sure Jonas could not show.They decided to give him just that. J
Chapter XCIII
Jean flipped the chest around looking for anything after the fact. Indeed, this time, she found something. On one side of the chest was the message, ‘His weakness is his greatest Weapon’. It was yet another riddle for them to solve. The question was what weakness it was and how it was his weapon.As they tried to figure out what it was, Meake got a call from the CIBSC director. He was required at the CIBSC headquarters for matters concerning National security. He left at that moment leaving the others trying to solve the riddle.According to what they thought, Peterson was just another clone. Still without any other clue pointing to who the Clairvoyant was and to make sense of the message on the chest, they just had to conclude the obvious; the Clairvoyant had impersonated Peterson.With that in mind, they just had to find Peterson’s weakness and use it against him. It was the only option making sense. Had Peterson been a clone, the chest could
Chapter XCII
Early the following morning, the task force gathered at the precinct as usual. It was time for them to find out more about the chest and how it was a weapon against the Clairvoyant. It was no ordinary chest though. Unlike any other normal chest, that one had no opening seams. It was smooth all round and more like a solid cube.Jonas tried everything he could think of that could have opened it but to no avail. After several failures, it was the time they remembered the part about the Chosen’s better half. They shifted from trying to open it to figuring out who the better half was. Since Jonas and Claire were dating at the time, they suggested her.Although they had not dated for long, there was no one else in Jonas’ life. She had to be the one. Since they did not know of what the better half was to do, they just had her hold the chest in her hands. Still, there was nothing to show for it. The question they all asked was who else it could have been; there was
Chapter XCI
Upon arrival at David’s compound, they all left the cars and walked following David as he led them to the stowage. Upon entry, they saw the enormous shield first. It was then that they suspected to be at the right place as well. He just did as he saw his wife do and the floor clicked. Some of the other members, the likes of Matthew and Ruddick, were scared.Into the spiral stairway to the underground they went. A short while later, David lit the lanterns as Jessica did. They walked on to the enormous door with a riddle for a key. This time, David already knew about it. He pushed and they got inside. He then walked to one end of the stowage where he had seen a spear when they were in there with his wife.Upon lifting the spear, it offset some kind of a trapdoor. It was at the highest part of one of the walls. It became the source of light from outside. David was astounded by the fact just like the others. He never thought the room could have a window. The opening
Chapter XC
Those were the last words of the journal. From that moment on, it was time for Jonas and his crew to figure out the riddle and get that which he was to use against the Clairvoyant.“Can anyone just make sense of what we just read? It’s not that I do not understand but, how are we to crack this riddle this time?" Meake questioned very curiously and looking confused.“Well, as you have heard, the Chosen is said to have everything he needs to defeat this evil one and who happens to be the Clairvoyant in our case,” Johnpaul responded.“Is it me or have anyone else heard something about God speaking and his anger and plead to turn back to the ways of the light?” Matthew asked.“I have heard that too. I just wish someone would tell us more,” Jean uttered.“That’s a good idea. We should start by turning to the ways of the light ourselves. Honestly, I have never understood how bad our situation is