Chapter XVI

In the Captain’s office, first, Jean thought to let the Captain in on who Jonas and David were and why they had brought them to the precinct. He had a different idea; save it to the end of the briefing. They did not have enough time to talk about it in length but just a mention.

The Captain had not called her for a heads up but, because he had received a call from the Eastern side of the city. Police on patrol had found a dead body. There was another murder in need for their attention and they needed to follow up on it as soon as they were informed. A dead body was the last thing they needed lying lifeless on the streets, exposed more than it already had been.

“Yes Captain. How may I be of assistance?”

“It is not me you should be worried about detective. We just got a call from the Eastern side of the city reporting a dead body found dumped in an abandoned warehouse. This demon you articulate much about just killed another man and drained

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