Chapter XXII

Finally, the day was done and it was time for the team to break for the night. Jean requested the Captain to let David and Jonas go home for they had helped them much in the cases. She also pleaded with him to let her work with them to solve the cases until the end. The Captain was not to object this because; even he had seen how they had helped in the case.

“Captain, I wish to have a word with you a moment please... in private,” said Detective Jean.

“Of course detective. What favor do you want me to do for you this time?”

“Well, I am just asking you to let David and Jonas go home for the night. They have surely helped us.”

“That will not be a problem. You also knew that we could not have them spend the night here in the precinct, right?”

“Yeah, of course I knew about that. Sorry, maybe I played the role of detaining them a little too much and was carried away.”

“I understand

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