Chapter XXXII

Before she could embark on the search for the burning garment under her skin, she had to do something for David first. She might have called off every effort to get David off the hook but she still had to do something about it. There are very many ways of killing rats. This includes burning the house at times. It was time for her to burn the house. The rats were proving so lethal for any other way.

She went for the only other option there was to help David. She had to break the law and break him out. She also knew that breaking into a prison was not an easy task. Prisons were and are designed to keep those inside in and those outside out. Breaking him out of a prison was impossible with her working alone.

There was only one other way she would help David. For David to be imprisoned, he had to be moved to the facility. During transportation, there was security but nothing compared to what could be found inside a prison. She stood a better chance breaking him out en rout

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