Chapter 9


Fred Lyons glared at his son, the fury in his eyes matched only by the disappointment in his voice. “Peter, I’ve warned you time and again about your arrogance. You’ve disgraced this family for the last time!”

Peter wiped the blood from his lip, his defiant glare meeting his father’s. “Dad, I didn’t do anything wrong! He’s nobody, just some loser trying to act tough. Why are you siding with him over me?”

Fred’s hand struck out, the sound of the slap echoing through the lobby. “You insolent fool! Do you think this is about taking sides? You have no idea who you’ve insulted tonight!”

Peter staggered, clutching his cheek, his eyes wide with shock. “But Dad—”

“No buts!” Fred roared, his voice trembling with barely suppressed rage. “I’ve always told you to be humble, to respect people no matter who they are. And what have you done? You’ve acted like a spoiled brat, flaunting your wealth and power as if it makes you untouchable.”

Peter straightened, his defiance still flickering. “I’m your son, Dad! You’re supposed to back me up, not humiliate me in front of everyone!”

Fred slapped him again, harder this time. “Back you up? When you act like this? You’ve embarrassed us, Peter. You’ve embarrassed me. Do you even understand the gravity of what you’ve done?”

Peter’s face was red, his eyes brimming with tears of anger and humiliation. “He’s nothing, Dad. Just a nobody pretending to be something. Why are you bowing down to him?”

Fred’s hand curled into a fist, but he held back, his voice low and dangerous. “You don’t know who he is, do you? You’ve no idea the kind of power he holds.”

Peter sneered, still defiant. “Power? Him? Please. Look at him!”

Fred’s eyes blazed with fury as he grabbed Peter by the collar, pulling him close. “You think your last name protects you? You think your wealth means anything to the Winstone family? They could crush us with a single word, Peter. A single word!”

Peter’s bravado faltered, his eyes flickering with uncertainty. “Winstone? But—”

“Yes, Winstone!” Fred hissed, shaking his son. “You’ve gone and insulted the heir to the Winstone family, you idiot. Do you even realise what that means? Do you understand what you’ve put us in the middle of?”

Peter’s mouth opened and closed, his mind racing to process the information. “But... I didn’t know...”

“That’s the problem, Peter!” Fred shouted, shoving him back. “You never think before you act. You’re too busy trying to prove how important you are, and now you’ve jeopardised everything.”

Peter stumbled, his legs weak beneath him. “Dad, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to—”

“Sorry?” Fred’s voice cracked with anguish. “Sorry won’t fix this. Sorry won’t undo the damage you’ve done.”

Before Peter could respond, Avery Thornhill stepped forward, his face twisted in a sneer. “Oh, come on, Mr. Lyons. This is all a big misunderstanding. That guy—” he jabbed a finger in Harry’s direction, “—he’s just a wannabe trying to play with the big boys.”

Fred’s eyes snapped to Avery, and without warning, his fist lashed out, connecting with Avery’s jaw in a brutal punch that sent him sprawling. “Stay out of this, Avery! You’ve caused enough trouble for one night.”

Avery groaned, cradling his jaw as he tried to push himself up. “But Mr. Lyons, I was just—”

“I don’t want to hear it!” Fred barked, his foot striking out and kicking Avery hard in the ribs, making him curl up in pain. “You’ve filled my son’s head with nonsense, and now look where it’s gotten us!”

Fred turned back to Peter, his face a mask of anguish and fury. “You, get on your knees and apologise to Mr. Winstone.”

Peter’s eyes widened in shock. “What? No, I can’t—”

“Do it!” Fred bellowed, his voice trembling with rage. “You will apologise for your behaviour, or so help me, I’ll disown you right here and now!”

Peter hesitated, his pride warring with the fear in his father’s eyes. “Dad, please...”

“On. Your. Knees.” Fred’s voice was low, almost a growl.

Peter shook his head, backing away. “I can’t. I just... I can’t.”

Fred raised his hand to strike him again, but hesitated, his face crumpling with grief. “You stubborn fool. I should’ve been stricter with you. I should’ve—”

Before he could finish, Farris Knightley stepped forward, his expression unreadable. “Mr. Lyons, allow me.”

With one swift motion, Farris grabbed Peter by the back of his neck and forced him to his knees in front of Harry. The crowd gasped, the tension in the room palpable.

“Farris, don’t!” Harry protested, his voice strained.

Farris shook his head. “This needs to be done, Harry. Actions have consequences.”

Peter struggled, his voice a choked sob. “Dad, please, don’t let him—”

But Fred turned away, his voice breaking. “You’ve brought this on yourself, Peter. You’ve left me no choice.”

Peter looked up at his father, his eyes pleading. “Dad, I’m sorry. I didn’t know. I didn’t mean to—”

“Enough,” Fred said, his voice hollow. “It’s too late for apologies.”

Peter’s shoulders shook with silent sobs as he knelt there, the weight of his father’s words crushing him. “Dad, please...”

Fred took a deep breath, his hands trembling as he turned to Harry, his eyes filled with a father’s heartbreak. “Mr. Winstone, I’ve done all I can. If it’s not enough, I... I don’t know what else to do.”

Harry looked at Peter, then back at Fred, his own heart heavy with the weight of the moment. “I don’t want this, Mr. Lyons. I never wanted any of this.”

Fred’s eyes glistened with unshed tears. “But it’s what’s needed. My son needs to learn that actions have consequences. If that means losing his place in the family, then so be it.”

Peter’s head snapped up, his voice a broken whisper. “Dad, no...”

Fred closed his eyes, his voice trembling. “From this moment on, you’re no longer the heir to the Lyons Group. You’re on your own.”

The words fell like a death knell, and the crowd murmured in shock, some gasping, others whispering furiously. Peter looked like he’d been struck, his face drained of all colour. “No, please, Dad. Don’t do this.”

Fred turned away, unable to look at his son any longer. “You’ve made your choices, Peter. Now live with them.”

Tears spilled down Peter’s face as he reached out towards his father, his voice breaking. “Dad, I’m sorry. I’ll change. I promise I’ll change.”

Fred’s shoulders shook as he walked away, his back turned to his son. “It’s too late, Peter. It’s too late.”

Farris stepped back, releasing his hold on Peter, who slumped to the ground, his sobs echoing in the suddenly quiet room. Harry watched the scene unfold, his heart aching for the broken man before him.

“Mr. Lyons,” Harry said quietly, his voice carrying a note of finality. “This has gone too far. I don’t want your son’s life destroyed because of me.”

Fred turned, his face a mask of grief and regret. “It’s not because of you, Mr. Winstone. It’s because of him. He needs to learn that he can’t go around disrespecting people and thinking there are no consequences.”

Harry took a deep breath, his gaze steady. “I understand, but I won’t be the reason he loses everything.”

Fred nodded, his expression softening slightly. “You’re a good man, Harry. Far better than my son deserves.”

Peter, still on his knees, looked up at Harry, his eyes filled with desperate hope. “Please, Harry. I’ll do anything. Just... don’t let him do this.”

Harry sighed, the weight of the moment pressing down on him. “It’s not up to me, Peter. You need to show your father you’ve changed. And you need to mean it.”

Peter nodded frantically, his hands clasped in front of him. “I will. I swear I will.”

Fred looked at his son, his eyes filled with pain. “Prove it, Peter. Prove it, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll earn back what you’ve lost.”

With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Peter kneeling on the floor, sobbing silently. The crowd slowly began to disperse, whispers of disbelief and shock filling the air.

Harry watched Fred’s retreating back, a heavy sigh escaping his lips. He turned to Farris, who nodded in silent approval.

“You handled that well,” Farris said quietly.

Harry shook his head. “I don’t know about that.”

Farris placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. “You showed mercy, Harry. That’s more than most would have done.”

Harry nodded, his eyes drifting back to Peter.

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