Chapter 12
No one reminded Benjamin to take some step backward in precaution seeing the angry pace at which Mr Smith approached him. The man stood before him looking mean and serious “ I told you to stay away from my daughter! You went Ahead to kidnap her too. You criminal!" He twisted Benjamin's shirt, glaring into his face. The boy began to choke.

Seeing that, Cassandra rushed to her dad with tears engulfing her eye trying to break his grip away from the boy “Dad let him go dad .. Please let him go!” She raised her voice which attracted the Attentions of the Officers. Sheriff Lyman interfered immediately.

“Let him go sir!” He forcefully released the boy from the grip. Benjamin began to cough serially breathing in Fresh quantities of air. “Mr Smith, you'll be jailed for murdered if anything should go wrong with the boy!" Sheriff Lyman glared.

Mr Smith stepped forward gazing intently at Benjamin who has straightened up after regaining himself “Am gonna kill you if I ever see you around my d
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