Chapter 11

Benjamin's blood boiled and pumped faster through his body. Goose bumps rose from his skin , emanating sweats at the same time. What he saw was horrific and devastating. He saw the whole world on Chaos, Dead walking human took over the world, blood became the only source of water that quenched people's thirsts, human suddenly became cannibal eating themselves like wild animals. Oh no!! The sight wa truly horrific that Benjamin pulled the glass away from his face breathing heavily with both hands on his knee.

Silence and tension waved in the room as everyone stared at Benjamin in anticipation because they were dying to know what he saw. Degaldo stepped closer and paused before him with a fierce gaze “What have you seen from the glasses?" His voice cut through the tension in the sanctum, increasing their inquisitiveness.

Benjamin glanced at Cassandra on the floor then back to Degaldo. He wondered the meaning of the revelation. He was supposed to see Degaldo's death not the world in
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