Chapter 10

Benjamin was surprised to see Mr Smith who approached with two hands in his pocket.

“Surprised to see me?" He said sarcastically.

Benjamin remained mute staring at him to know his next action. “You're making a mistake by trying to know the unknown!" He said.

Mr Smith chuckled “You're claiming to be smart again?" He squatted before him staring at into his eye “Knowing the unknown is what I call fun and adventures Lad!"

“Death is not fun and Adventurous!" Benjamin smouldered while Melinda listened as the two men exchange words.

Mr Smith stood up facing a wall “I need you to tell me how you know I was going to be crushed to death by that trailer! You have 10 seconds to speak!" Melinda positioned a gun close to his head ready to pull the trigger on the last count.

Sweats broke out from Benjamin's body, his breathing rate changed so hot blood pumped though his vessel “Are you threatening me!?!” He Shrieked.

“4..3..2.." Mr Smith was counting down. Benjamin closed his eye not
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