Chapter 9

Benjamin scurried out of the restroom. He could be seen running along a passage which was populated with students loitering around. “Make way! make way!” His voice rang as he surged through the crowd. Some began to think his poverty has eventually gotten into his head hence making him mentally unstable.

He picked up his bag, glanced at his Watch “Oh fuck!" He lamented in frustration before hurrying out again. He almost ran into Cassandra who was approaching from the opposite direction holding two cone of ice-cream.

Looking surprised, Cassandra wanted to query “Where are rushing to..."

“I'll be back, keep my ice-cream my Juliet!" His voice rang from a distance. Hearing that, Cassandra began to blush, revealing his perfect set of teeth and beauty which cuddled his cheek in a smile and revealing an attractive dimples on her cheek “Juliet?” She repeated thoughtfully with lingering smiles. “Did he mean he's my Romeo and I am his Juliet?” She chuckled like a teenager in love before walking away happily. Of course she has started falling for him. The once disdained poor boy!

Benjamin flagged down the next available taxi, he rushed into it like a fugitive running from a crime scene. The driver looked left and right to be sure he's not being pursued by Cops before Staring at him to see him sweating profusely. “Your Destin..” the driver was saying.

“City Fun centre!" Benjamin adjusted forward as the driver ignited the car. “Listen old man!! I don't know how you're going to do it but I want you to fly this car!!” He raised his voice while the grey haired driver disdained him from the front mirror “This is not an aircraft old boy, it's a damn vehicle!” He lashed.

Unbeknownst, a car could be seen trailing the taxi from behind. Inside of it seated Melinda with a dark sunglasses on her face looking like a badass killer. She had followed Benjamin from school before he entered the taxi.

Hustle and bustle filled the arena of city fun centre. One could see joyful kids with their mother touring the arena like the whole world was meant for them. Different fun equipment like a rollercoaster, could see at some section of the Centre.

“Mummy, I want to climb the circle!" Tercy, a little girl who had her eye on the roller coaster called her mother attention where she was buying her an ice-cream.

The mother looked down on her with confusion written all over her face “Circle?" She followed her painted finger to realize she was actually referring to the circular rollercoaster as circle. She smiled, squatted before her and ruffled her hair delightfully which sparked a smile on Tercy's tender face. “It's not called a Circle dear, it's called a roller coaster.”

Tercy faced her mother “I want to roll on the roller coaster mum." Her pleading voice came again.

The mother chuckled due to her daughter's hilarious demeanor “You're going to roll off from roller coaster if you go on it Tercy."

The 9years girl rumpled her face in disappointment “Why will I roll off mum? Am not a ball."

The mother chuckled, She slid her long hair which flew across her beautiful face backwards “You're too small to go on the roller coaster dear.” She tried to convince her but Tercy was persistent till her mother gave in to her plea.

Sooner did she got on the roller coaster and Benjamin arrive breathing hastily. He glanced at his watch- 7 mins to the moment of death of the girl. He looked around and sight the mother. She recognized her from the colour of her dress. Benjamin approached her after catching some breath and regaining some lost strength. Melinda had also arrived too.

The woman was staring at the rollercoaster, chuckling to the clamors of the riders on it. Benjamin arrived and stood beside her with eye on the coaster too. He imagined how the girl is going to fall and die Horribly.

He glanced at the grinning mother who was yet aware of his presence. How would she react if she could see the future and see her daughter is going to die before her eye. Nonetheless, Benjamin cleared his throat which got her attention.

“You're happy just like your daughter who is the coaster.” Benjamin looked up at the Rollercoaster to see it spinning 360degree. The woman glanced at him suspiciously. “How did you know I came with my daughter?...I mean...How did you know she is on the.." She stuttered.

With much seriousness on his face, Benjamin interrupted her “Listen and you need to hearken to my words, I have seen it all. You need to get your daughter fell from there now!” He smouldered.

Before the woman could retaliate, the Rollercoaster sparked and suddenly stopped for a moment before it began to turn anticlockwise. Shouts escalated from both the riders and onlookers.

“Oh my baby!!” was all the woman exclaimed before she saw her daughter falling from the Rollercoaster rolling like a ball just like she had told her mother mother earlier.

Swiftly in slow motion, Benjamin dashed towards the spot where the girl should have fall and die but he saw himself saving her because the girl landed right on his hand.

It was an astonishing sight to behold. Flashes of Light from phone cameras began to flicker on Benjamin's face from onlookers who had gathered around.

The mother rushed to use daughter and grabbed her into a warmly hug. She kept checking all her body to see if she was actually okay.

Suddenly, gun shot sounded in the atmosphere which got everyone scampering while some lay flat on the floor. That was Melinda pointing a gun at Benjamin “Everyone, keep your heads down!!”

“Who the hell are you!?" Benjamin stepped forward bravely.

“I want you!” Melinda knocked him out with the butt of the gun, covered his face with a black material and carried him out on her shoulder.

Benjamin coughed awake in an unfamiliar location because someone just poured him cold water. The choky smell of cigar filtered into his nose as he regained full consciousness. He tried to turn only to realised he was tied to a chair with rope on both legs and hands.

He could see the outline of a person sitting on a chair through the smoke of Cigar that saturated the room. “Hey! Who the hell are you!? Untie me now!” He shirked.

“Am your worst nightmare!!" A voice came from the door. Benjamin turned, he couldn't believe who he saw at the door “You!!?" He shrieked.

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