Chapter 13
Mr Alpha is another scientist who journey to the Den of cleverness with Benjamin's father but he didn't last a day before he died mysteriously. Kelvin is his only son. The father had left a note for him before he died instructing him to get something which belongs to him.

“What belongs to me?" He thought aloud pacing round the room in confusion. He waved the thought aside, grabbed his bag which was empty and he stormed out to seek information to what bothers him.

He knocked on the door of a house looking around like a criminal. The door opened Swiftly by Mr Lyk. He was Mr Alpha's best friend. Their relationship before his death makes everyone wonder if they were actually twins.

“Oh my boy!" He gave Kelvin a fatherly hug. “You've grown do big. How's your mother?” He stared at him. On his eye is a medicated eye glasses.

Kelvin admitted the decors of the living room then turned to the man “Mum is fine. She sent her greeting."

“Good, she must still be as beautiful as ever!" Mr
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