Chapter 15

Silence stretched across the room as the two guys began to make use of their thinking faculty. Henry stood up staring at Benjamin “Why do you say you're the problem?” He asked.

Benjamin stood up with his two hands resting in his pocket “Kukushu talked about inner power!" He said while Henry's stared lingered on him. “What does inner power has to do with the situation at hand?" Henry said thoughtfully.

“I think Mrs Smith knows me more than I know myself, that's why he hates me." Benjamin turned to him.

“So, it's not about the glasses anymore.” Henry added smartly.

Benjamin never replied, rather he walked to a refrigerator where he pulled out a drink and gulped it down because he was about going crazy.

“Ben, drinking won't solve the puzzle at hand.” Henry forcefully collected the drink from him.

“Am going crazy mehn!!" He walked back to the seat ruffling his hair haphazardly.


Mr Smith could be seen entering into a building which was secluded at the fringe of Crescent City. H
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