Chapter 16

“Who the hell are you and how did you get in here!" The man barked at Benjamin who began to step backwards slowly.

“I got in though the Door to warn you not to take the drink otherwise you die!" Benjamin persisted.

With anger in his voice, the man growled “Are you wishing me death!?”

“Someone else wishes you death not me!”

The man Stepped closer to him “Now tell me how you know the drink was poisoned!" He demanded.

Benjamin kept quiet staring at the floor in thought “Ermm...I saw it sir." He stuttered.

Bemused, the man stared at him “Saw it from where?" He asked.

“Though the window sir." He pointed at the window only to realize it was locked.

“You lier!! Am gonna call the security to bounce you out now!!" He grabbed his phone from the bed.

“You need to Ask the hotel attendant who brought the drink tell you what he knows." Benjamin's voice interrupted him.

He turned to him with the ringings telephone in his hand. “Hello, what service can we offer you sir...Hello..
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