Chapter 17

A man dressed in a black outfit could be seen at the top edge of a sky scrapper. He wore a black jacket which occasionally flew backward due to wind. On his head rested a black hat which gives him the appearance of a cowboy.

He began to laugh hysterically then suddenly frowned “Am death! Soon, everyone will be incurred with my wrath! None will survive it!" He laughed again and jumped down from the skyscraper “Thud!!!" He landed on the floor which cracked due to the impact of the fall yet the strange man remain unscratched.

He walked with an air of Confidence and a strange Aura emanate from his body. Dogs in nearby houses barked ferociously on beholding him. He paused, narrowed his sight along the lonely road where he walked like the world was left for him all alone.

He could be next seen walking on the stair Case leading to a building. He flipped his hand and the door opened magically. He looked around the house to see everywhere deserted.

“Who the hell are you!?" A voice cam
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