Chapter 18

Kelvin sighted people waving at the President's vehicle. He could only imagine how a bullet from nowhere would pass through the window and hit the president to death. “Move it! Move it!" He shouted as he rode through the cluster crowd. Kelvin was following the president's convoy from behind.

“Where do you think you're going!" A police stop him on his way.

“Listen! I need to warn the president before it's too late!" Kelvin said impatiently.

The cops glared at him “You aren't answering my question young man! Where the heck are you going!?” He persisted.

Kelvin kept quiet, allowing the shouts from the citizens ringing into his ear. He faced the cops “The president is going to be killed and if you don't allow me though now, you're going to regret it!?" He glared.

With surprise plastered on his face, he exclaimed “What!! Who .." He was about to get more inquisitive but Kelvin throttle the bike which raised the front tire from the floor before he sped away.

“Oh fuck!! We have a
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