Chapter 19
Mr shakes, the man who stood up was their leader. He's the Vice chancellor to the president but he hates him to stupor. Anger could be seen visibly on his face. “You couldn't kill a common man with a sniper!” He raised his voice.

“He was heavily guarded by securities, and before I knew it a rider dragged him out of vehicle.” He said, referring to Kelvin as the rider.

Me shakes hit his first angrily on the table “Should that stop a bullet from going into his head!?"

“Am sorry sir, I'll make sure I bring him down next time.” The young assassin said.

“There will no next time because you're going down!” He swiftly brought out a pistol from his suit and shot him dead instantly.

Fear creep into the heart of everyone in the room . They knew Mr Shakes as a very dangerous man who would get anything he wants and anyone who step in his way pays with his life.

He cleaned the nozzles of the pistol on his suit and turned to the men “Listen, I killed him because I know he's going to leak
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