Zussorender entered the two royal princes' room and met them sleeping on the bed. Zussorender shouted at them ''get up boys, training starts today''.But the two royal princes didn't hear him because they were sound asleepThen Zussorender used his magic to lift their bodies and shifted the bed to the other side, then he dropped their bodies on the ground.The two royal princes' bodies hit the ground very hard, making them wake up and groaned in pain.''Meet me outside now'' said Zussorender to the two princes and left the room.Noah said in anger to Ramsay ''this man will kill us if we are not careful''.''Why don't we just tell him we are no longer interested in learning again and return to the palace'' said Ramsay.''And you think he will allow that, don't you see everything about him is weird and he gets angry easily'' said Noah.''Then what should we do?'' asked Ramsay.''We go now before he comes back'' said Noah.''You are right'' said Ramsay.Ramsay and Noah got outside the house and met Zussorender sited on a chair reading a magical book, they stood in front of him.Ramsay and Noah said to Zussorender ''good morning master''.''Morning'' said Zussorender and stopped reading.Zussorender looked around him and saw three big stones beside each other not too far from him. Zussorender used his magic to lift a big stone and make it come to him, then placed it beside him.''This shall be your first training'' said Zussorender to the two royal princes.''Lifting stone!'' exclaimed Ramsay (surprised).''Yes. You see those two big stones over there (the two royal princes looked back and saw the two big stones) you shall lift it with your magic'' said Zussorender.''I don't think we can do that. Though we were told we have magic but we don't know if we truly do because we have never felt it'' said Ramsay.''Then go to the stone and go find out'' said Zussorender.''Okay master'' said Noah.''But...'' said Ramsay.Ramsay was cut short of words as Noah closed Ramsay's mouth with his hand and dragged him to the stones.AXRAXThe letter from King James got to King Raynold after two days of sending it. King Raynold read the message and sent messages to every other kingdom that they will be a meeting held at Axrax which every King must attend.For the past three days, Ramsay and Noah had failed to lift the stones, even though they tried night and day but still couldn't.Early in the morning, Ramsay and Noah stood in front of the stones still trying to lift them while Zussorender sat down at his usual spot (on the chair) eating fruits and his staff beside him.Ramsay and Noah kept trying but still couldn't, then Ramsay (annoyed) went to Zussorender.Ramsay said to Zussorender ''master, we have been repeating the same thing for the past few days, morning and night, but we still haven't been able to lift the stone. And you do nothing than sit here all the time eating, reading, and sleeping, who do take us for?Well, I don't care anymore all I know is that am quitting, am no longer interested in learning magic, am returning to the palace'' as he got in front of him.Ramsay began to walk away after making it clear to Zussorender that he was no longer interested in learning magic while Noah stood watching.Zussorender used his magic to stop Ramsay from continuing to walk.Ramsay suddenly felt something holding his leg and he couldn't move his leg or take a step. Ramsay knew it was Zussorender and looked back at Zussorender, in anger.Ramsay said to Zussorender ''I know it you, let go of my leg now''.''You are not leaving this place not until you finished your training'' said Zussorender.''I don't care about any training anymore, am done'' shouted Ramsay.''Then go if you can'' said Zussorender.Ramsay tried to move his leg again but couldn't.Ramsay said to Zussorender ''let's make a deal. I and you fight in hand combat, no magic. If I win then am allowed to leave and if I don't I will continue learning and listen to whatever you told me to do''.Zussorender smirked and asked Ramsay ''and what made you so sure that you can win?''.''Will you fight me or not?'' asked Ramsay.''Okay, let's see what you got'' said Zussorender as he stood up and let go of Ramsay's leg.Ramsay get a hold of his leg back and walked back to Zussorender to fight him.Zussorender dodged every move Ramsay made to hit him and slapped Ramsay on his face, which make Ramsay angry and attacked Zussorender again.Zussorender dodged every move Ramsay made again to hit him and kicked Ramsay in the back of his two knees making Ramsay fall on his knee.''I won so you must always obey my instructions. Now get back to your training'' said Zussorender to Ramsay.Zussorender turned back to go sit on his chair, then Ramsay stood up and tried to attack Zussorender from behind.Zussorender disappeared as Ramsay tried to hit him from behind then appeared back at Ramsay's back and kicked Ramsay away.Ramsay jumped away and his body hit the ground hard.''I thought you said no magic, you cheated old man'' said Ramsay to Zussorender as he groan in pain, still lying on the ground.''You also tried to cheat by attacking me from behind. Lessons two and three, do not judge humans by their appearance, and always be on alert even when you are with the people you trust and care about.Lesson four, never trust a stranger. Now get back to your training'' said Zussorender to the two royal princes and walked back to his chair then sat down back.Noah went to Zussorender while Ramsay sit up (in anger),''Master, when are you going to teach me that trick you use to defeat Ramsay'' said Noah to Zussorender.''It is not a trick, that is magic and you will learn it when it is time. Now get back to your training before I turn you both to rat'' said Zussorender (in a loud tone).''Yes master'' said Noah and went to Ramsay.Noah tried to help Ramsay up but he disagreed and stood up himself.Ramsay said to Zussorender ''One day I shall beat you, I promise you that''.The two royal princes both returned to the stones.NIGHTNoah, Ramsay, Lythia, Gabriel, and Zussorender all sat down around the dining table to eat.Gabriel said to the two princes ''my mother said you both are from Axrax and you both are princes of Axrax and that you are here to learn magic''.''Yes we are, We were told that we are born with magic just like you, so we have to learn about it'' said Noah to Gabriel with a smile.''But dad said I wasn't born with magic'' said Gabriel to the two royal princes.Ramsay and Noah looked at each other surprised by what Gabriel and then at Zussorender. The two royal princes saw Zussorender doesn't mind what they were saying but just eating.''Okay'' said Ramsay.''Dad told me that is his homeland. He also told me about the beauty of the city, and how big and large it is'' said Gabriel to the two royal prince.''Yes, Axrax is a very beautiful kingdom among other kingdoms. It is also the only kingdom that has four entrances into its city because it is very large and big, while the other kingdoms have one entrance into their city'' said Ramsay with a smile.''You mean they are other kingdoms too?'' asked Gabriel.''Yes, they are called Lythridite, Samuzia, Micapus, and Domitrus'' said Noah.''That's enough everyone, now eat or go sleep'' said Zussorender.Then everyone couldn't say any more words and continue eating.Related Chapters
MORNING Ramsay and Noah were the first to wake up in the house, they both came out of the house and tried lifting the stone they have been unable to lift for the past few days. Zussorender woke up and went to check on the two royal princes in their room but didn't see them, then Zussorender ran outside the house with the thought that the two royal princes might have run away. On getting outside the house, Zussorender was relieved to see them training. Zussorender cleared his throat making them notice him. The two royal princes stopped what they were doing and said to Zussorender (in a union) ''good morning master''. ''Morning'' said Zussorender, then the two royal princes faced the stone back. Zussorender went to the two royal princes and stood in their midst. Zussoreender lifted the stone that was placed beside his chair with his magic and brought it to them, then placed it beside the two stones that the two royal princes were trying to lift. Zussorender said to the two royal p
NIGHT After dinner, Ramsay and Noah lay down beside each other in their room as they stared at the ceiling. ''Brother, why do you think master doesn't like it when we talk about Axrax and other kingdoms, also himself?'' Noah asked Ramsay. ''I don't know but I think there is something we don't know about or something he doesn't want his family to know about'' said Ramsay. ''He even told his son that he doesn't have magic. Is it true that his son might not have magic'' asked Noah. ''No, it is not or maybe it is true I don't know. All I know is wizards always give birth to wizards and he said his son doesn't have magic'' said Ramsay. ''Which mean it either the master lied to his son because of a reason or not all child born by wizard has magic'' said Noah. ''You might be right. Master also seems weird, sometimes he acts nice and caring, and sometimes he is harsh'' said Ramsay. ''There must be something going on with him. Whatever it is we will find out one day. Let's get some slee
The Kings from each kingdom called a meeting with their council and discussed with them the matter to raise more army and improve the standard of the army, and that matter lead to arguments and some fought on the matter. TWO DAYS LATER Noah woke up scared after dreaming about himself turning into a dragon, he looked out the window and saw it morning. Noah looked around the room and didn't see Ramsay, he went out of the room. Noah saw everyone sited at the dining table about to eat. ''How come you are all about to eat without waking me up?'' asked Noah making everyone notice his presence where he stood looking at them. Ramsay (happy to see Noah) stood up and went to Noah. Ramsay asked Noah ''are you alright, hope you are not feeling pain anywhere?''. ''What kind of question is that, why won't I be alright'' said Noah confused to Ramsay. ''Because you have been unconscious for the past two days'' said Gabriel to Noah. ''Unconscious? That's a joke right?"' asked Noah. ''No, you
AXRAX King Raynold sat down on his throne in the council's hall, and all the council members of Axrax and the Kings from the four kingdoms with their prime minister sat down in front of the great King, on chairs. King Raynold said to everyone ''am sure we all know the reason why we are all here, so there is no need to beat around the bush. I and the council of Axrax have made our decision so I will like to know what the other kings have decided with their council''. ''Your royal majesty'' said King James to King Raynold as he stood up and bowed his head ''I king James and every member of my council have decided to raise more armies and improve the standard of the army''. ''Is that true, prime minister of Lythridite?'' King Raynold asked the prime minister of Lythridite. ''Yes, your royal majesty'' said the prime minister of Lythridite (with a bow). Every King and the prime minister agreed for more armies to be raised and to improve the standard of the army except King Josh and h
SHAPE TOWN The two royal princes took a bath and have a change of clothing then they came down stair and met Benjamin and Ryn in the sitting room (sited) talking to some guards standing in front of them. Benjamin saw the two royal princes and discarded the conversation he was having with the guards. Benjamin stood up and went to the two royal princes. ''Now you both are looking good'' said Benjamin (with a smile) to the two royal princes on getting to them. ''Thanks to your great hospitality'' said Ramsay (with a smile) to Benjamin. ''You have a big house'' said Noah to Benjamin as he looked around the house. ''If you say so. It belongs to my forefather'' said Benjamin. ''It must be old'' said Noah. ''Way old than you could ever imagine. Well I want you both to come with me to the town so I can show you around'' said Benjamin. ''Are you saying you want to take us on a tour around your town?'' asked Ramsay. ''Yes and you will love it, you will also find out love resides in our
Ryn and Noah opened their eyes and saw they were in a strange large room built with rocks, they both sit up and wondered where they are. Ryn and Noah looked around the room as they stood up, they saw a throne and a well in the room. Ryn asked Noah ''where the hell are we?''. ''I was going to ask the same question'' said Noah. ''You are in Gathride'' said a voice behind them. They both looked back and saw a lady dressed in a blue gown and a crown on her head. The lady walked past Ryn and Noah as they confusingly stared at her and went to sit on the throne. ''Where did you say we are again?'' Noah asked the lady. ''You are in Gathride'' said the lady to Noah and Ryn. ''And where is that?'' asked Ryn. ''Gathride is a kingdom that is beneath the water, you are beneath the water'' said the lady. ''Wait, beneath the water, are you saying we are under the river?'' asked Noah. ''Yes but not under the river only. Our kingdom expands to the ocean and sea'' said the lady. ''Are you a m
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Queen Lindsey took Noah to the well and told him to look at the water inside the well. Noah looked at the water and could see nothing but the reflection of his head and face.''I see nothing but my face'' said Noah to queen Lindsey as he took his eyes off the well and looked at queen Lindsey.''Look again'' said queen Lindsey to Noah.Noah looked at the water again and this time he saw his head and his eyes yellow in color. Noah was surprised and shocked on seeing his eyes yellow in the water, he took his eye off the water and walked away from the well. Noah said to queen Lindsey ''no, this can't be me. This is another trick of your'', in disbelief.''That is you. It is a hard truth you must accept and you have changed into a half dragon once'' said queen Lindsey.''No that is impossible. How could i have changed into a dragon and i won't have any memory of it'' said Noah. ''You will never remember not until you link with Ethusa and embrace who you are. You have to find Ethusa quickl
Latest Chapter
Esther, Ramsay, Noah, Benjamin, Lilia, Ryn, Kylie, Mike, Kinsley, Tracy, Camelia, and Hawk had to decide on who was going to fight whose duplicate, and the decision fell on Esther to decide since she would be the one to take responsibility for whatever happens.Since they would all be fighting each other duplicate in martial arts and swords, Esther made the pick based on everyone's physical abilities and skills when it comes to fighting. The others have to agree to whoever duplicate Esther chooses for each of them to fight and that is because they all could not bring themselves to make such a decision.Esther picked herself to fight Ramsay's duplicate because if there is ever anyone who can hold off Ramsay for as long as she can until she finds her way to defeat Ramsay, it has got to be her. Ramsay martial arts skills and swordsmanship skills are not what any of them could challenge, but Esther thinks she can manage for as long as she needs to defeat Ramsay, so she finds herself fit f
The Decision
Esther, Ramsay, Noah, Benjamin, Lilia, Ryn, Kylie, Mike, Kinsley, Tracy, Camelia, and Hawk and their duplicates could be seen still staring at each other, but at the same time Esther, Ramsay, Noah, Benjamin, Lilia, Ryn, Kylie, Mike, Kinsley, Tracy, Camelia, and Hawk were all talking to each other through their minds which is a connection that was created by Esther.Lilia said in her mind "what do you all think is going on?""I think that needs no explanation. The mountain made us fall unconscious and brought us to this sphere that could create one's duplicate. It is all the mountain doing" said Benjamin in his mind."I think the question should be how do we get out of here because it is still the same thing that will happen to our physical bodies if we remain here. Regardless of the illusion of whatever it is that we meet and face in here, our bodies will become food to the Syrics if we don't regain consciousness" said Mike worriedly in his mind."Mike said the right words for once in
Fake and Real
Esther, Ramsay, Noah, Benjamin, Lilia, Ryn, Kylie, Mike, Kinsley, Tracy, Camelia, and Hawk were all shocked and confused when they saw their duplicates standing a few paces from them, and their duplicates were more like their reflections. Esther, Ramsay, Noah, Benjamin, Lilia, Ryn, Kylie, Mike, Kinsley, Tracy, Camelia, and Hawk could see that their duplicates looked exactly like them with everything without any flaws that can be used to differentiate.Esther, Ramsay, Noah, Benjamin, Lilia, Ryn, Kylie, Mike, Kinsley, Tracy, Camelia, and Hawk could see that there was no difference between them and their duplicates, and if they mistaken get mixed up with their duplicates, there is no way they would be able to identify the fake ones from the real ones so it better that they keep distance from the fake them not to create confusion.Esther, Ramsay, Noah, Benjamin, Lilia, Ryn, Kylie, Mike, Kinsley, Tracy, Camelia, and Hawk wondered what it was that was going on but that doesn't mean that the
Esther, Ramsay, Noah, Benjamin, Lilia, Ryn, Kylie, Mike, Kinsley, Tracy, Camelia, and Hawk were still worried that each of them was the statue, and that made them wonder how that was possible and what was going on, but then the strange man appeared in the temple shrine and said that it has began. Seeing the man in the temple altar and hearing what the man said made Esther, Ramsay, Noah, Benjamin, Lilia, Ryn, Kylie, Mike, Kinsley, Tracy, Camelia, and Hawk wonder what the man meant by it had just begun. Esther, Ramsay, Noah, Benjamin, Lilia, Ryn, Kylie, Mike, Kinsley, Tracy, Camelia, and Hawk were not surprised to see the man again because they were now starting to believe that the man was either part of the mountain which is more like the mountain minion or maybe it is the spirit of the mountain in a human form. Esther, Ramsay, Noah, Benjamin, Lilia, Ryn, Kylie, Mike, Kinsley, Tracy, Camelia, and Hawk face the strange man, and then Esther asks the strange man "what do you mean by i
Esther, Ramsay, and Noah tried to use their magic to make a huge hole in the rock of the temple which could be used as a way out of the temple but it did not work out. Tracy, Mike, Kinsley, Kylie, Lilia, and Camelia tried to use their weapons to create a huge hole through the rock of the temple that could be used as a way out of the temple but it did not work.Hawk, Benjamin, and Ryn changed to animals that had horns and were strong in their body like bears, rhinos, buffalo, and so on so they could create a huge hole in the rock as a way out but it did not work. None of them were able to make a hole through the rock because the rock remained still without an opening.After trying to find a way to create a hole through the rock so they can use it as a passage to get out of the temple and it failed, Esther, Ramsay, Noah, Benjamin, Lilia, Ryn, Kylie, Mike, Kinsley, Tracy, Camelia, and Hawk got tired and they all could be seen seated scattered on the ground inside the temple.There was no
Lilia, Noah, Camelia, Esther, Ramsay, Kinsley, Benjamin, Ryn, Kylie, Mike, Hawk, and Tracy were shocked to see the strange man and wondered who the strange man was, and how he came to be in a mountain that was inhabitable for any human that value his/her life.After hearing the Syrics screeches, Esther asked the man who he was, but the man asked them if they would stay behind to find out who he was to get killed by the Syrics who were coming or if they would come with him to safety which is a promise he is making to them.Esther and the others would not impulsively follow a strange man inside a mountain that is doing everything in its power to kill them, but they had no choice at the moment because of the Syrics that were after them to kill them.Esther said to the others that they should follow the strange man, and most of them wanted to say no at that moment because they could not trust a strange man that they met in the strange and wicked mountain. Everything the mountain had prov
Ramsay was unconscious and wasn’t supposed to wake up anytime so soon but whatever it was that made Ramsay regain consciousness the moment Esther talked was something that shocked Lilia, Camelia, Hawk, Benjamin, Tracy, Ryn, Kylie, Kinsley, and Mike, and they wondered how come Ramsay regain consciousness so soon.Esther and Noah wondered why Ramsay was on Hawk's shoulder, but then they saw Ramsay tell Hawk to let him down. Hawk let Ramsay down, and Ramsay took his sword from Kinsley. However, there was still the shock on everyone's faces concerning what Noah had transformed into.Everybody was dumbfounded by what they were seeing and their facial expression told if what they were seeing was true or not as they watched Noah fly to the edge of the cave. Noah landed inside the cave at the edge with Esther who was still in his arms, and then Noah's wings went down like they deactivated themselves. Noah and Esther could see the way Ramsay, Lilia, Camelia, Hawk, Benjamin, Tracy, Ryn, Kylie,
Noah doesn't feel like Esther alone would be able to deal with the Syrics that are speedily attacking her while he saw her fighting the Syrics with the two magical swords in her hands and her magic as they continue to fall together, so he thinks that he had to help her. Noah flies to Esther, and the Syrics that were attacking him follow him along since they are hell-bent on killing him even though he had been killing them one after the other.Esther came to understand fully well how the Syrics were able to attack in the air while she fought them as they both kept falling inside the pit toward the end of the pit that did not exist. It was just like Esther had thought before while she fought the beast on the path with Noah, which is that the path was like a battleground for the beasts, and that also seemed to be the same for the Syrics.Esther came to realize that the mountain is like a battlefield for the Syrics too because everything the mountain is doing is so that the Syrics can cat
The whole surroundings were dark and the only reason Esther could see the things she could see clearly was because she used her magic to make her eyes into magical eyes that could see through darkness, making her see all the things inside of darkness.Esther was still closely watching as the surprising Syrics continued to fight Noah who was able to fight and kill the Syrics in the form and state he was in when the magical barrier that protected and surrounded Esther made Esther aware of her current state.The rigorous and continuous hitting of the Syrics on the magical barrier protecting Esther cracked the barrier, and it was then that Esther regained consciousness of her current state which is that she has Syrics that are hellbent on breaking the magical barrier to kill her.Esther wasn’t ready to fight the Syrics yet nor did she want to do so, so she immediately used her magic to close the cracks on the magical barrier, and it was like the Syrics knew what it was that she did to the