Everyone turned to the direction of the door they were all surprised to see who it was except Helen.

"No one is leaving this house." Karina Brantley said boldly making Dalia glare at the younger woman.

"Karina you have no say in this stay out of it." Robert said.

"Oh really father? I have no say in this?" Karina asked.

"Yes, you don't." Robert replied.

"So you want to give Albert all that Theodore had been working so hard for?" Karina asked.

"Did this bitch put you up to this?" Karina asked referring to Dalia.

"How dare you call me a..."

"Oh please hold your horses Dalia I wasn't talking to you." Karina glared.

"No she didn't, there's something I didn't tell you. Theodore is not my son. Your mother had an affair..." Robert tried explaining but Karina cut him.

"Can you really blame her? You had an affair too. Else Albert wouldn't be standing here either. Oh and all the other mistresses asides Dalia." Karina reminded.

"So if Theodore is not your son, that makes me the only legal child in this household. So I'm making a claim to the company." Karina said.

"What?" Dalia and Robert yelled at the same time.

"You heard me. Albert wouldn't be your heir I would." Karina said surprising Theodore.

Karina Brantley was the daughter of Robert's first wife and Theodore's mother.

Karina had always been a rebellious and strong willed girl since birth she was a fashion designer. And even owned a fashion store of her own she was a year younger than Albert.

She had always detested the mother and son pair ever since they found out their father had a son out there.

And even if she found out Theodore wasn't blood related to Robert she didn't care at all. She still loved Theodore and she would fight for him.

"Your father is not giving his legacy to you Karina. My son is his heir." Dalia barked.

"Well, you'll have to kill me then." She said with a smirk.

Albert could feel his blood boil the brother and sister pair had always gotten on his nerves. He knew they hated him and he didn't like them either.

And now the bitch was trying to take something that should belong to him now that he and his mother had successfully dug Theodore's past and ousted him from the company.

Dalia glared at Karina and Karina glared back.

"Karina we'll talk about this later but Theodore has to leave this house. He doesn't belong here, not after what he did to Albert your brother." Robert said.

"Please, don't call Albert my brother." Karina retorted.

"Karina." Theodore finally called out.

"Hey brother." Karina smiled lovingly at him.

"Don't fight for me over my staying here. I'll be leaving I don't even want to be under the same roof as the lots of them let's talk before I leave okay." Theodore smiled at her.

"If we're done here I guess you should all go to your rooms. Especially you Albert." Karina mocked and he glared at her before walking away.

When it was just Karina, Helen and, Theodore left. Karina hugged her older brother.

"Sorry I wasn't here for your birthday sorry dad publicly embarrassed you."

"Hey it's not your fault, I told you to participate in that contest. And congratulations." Theodore said pecking his little sister.

She won the contest and Theodore was so proud.

"Thanks." Karina smiled.

"Where are you going to go?" Karina asked.

"I'll crash in a friends house."

"Most of your friends ditched you." Karina reminded.

"Not the loyal ones or one." Theodore smiled.

"Look for your own apartment." Karina pouted.

"I will, tomorrow. I just need to crash with someone for tonight." Theodore said and Karina hugged him again.

"Get some rest, and don't stay here for too long." Theodore said to her.

"Theo, I want to fight for you."

"Rina don't. I'll fight for myself I will get my revenge also I think I want to investigate mom's death." Theodore said.

"Why?" Karina asked.

"Your father and his wife said something about mom that made me suspicious."

"Do you think dad has a hand in mom's death?" Karina asked.

"Don't know, maybe. But I hope not." Theodore replied.

"If he does I swear I'll kill him myself." Karina said with a frown and Theodore smiled and said.

"Calm down Rina. See you tomorrow, I guess I also need to get a job so I'll go hunt for one." Theodore said.


"You just returned from a trip get some rest." Theodore said heading upstairs.

"Mom what are we going to do about Karina?" Albert asked.

"Keep it down, she said I should kill her didn't she? I might just take her advice." Dalia replied.

"No mom don't!" Albert yelled surprising Dalia.

"What has gotten into you?" Dalia asked.

"Mom I mean, wouldn't that put you in a difficult situation?" Albert asked as calmly as he could.

"Calm down son I got a plan." Dalia said.

"She is just like her crazy mother. I'll handle Karina." Dalia said an evil grin appearing on her face.

Albert didn't look too happy with his mom's plans.

Theodore left the mansion in the dead of night he texted someone that he was coming over.

"Boss, I thought you were kidding."

"Come on Ivan don't call me that." Theodore said.

"So what happened they kicked you out?" Ivan asked.

"Doesn't it look that way?" Theodore asked.

"It does, I'm still surprised they did." Ivan said.

"You know I lost everything today. My life, my girlfriend, everything except my sister and nanny."

"In a way you lost them as well, they are not here with you right now." Ivan said making Theodore chuckle.

"I have an early morning, good night Ivan." Theodore said

"Good night Theodore."

The next day, Theodore woke up by dawn he began searching for possible apartments and he found one that suits his needs he paid the bills and decided he would move in later.

He got a text from Karina and he texted a meeting address to her.

"Good morning boss." Ivan greeted.

"Good morning Ivan you going to the company?" Theodore asked.

"Yes, although I think I would be tending in my resignation soon." Ivan said.

"Why?" Theodore asked.

"You gave me the job boss, how could i possibly work there without you? I'm pretty sure they would kick me out sooner or later." Ivan replied.

"I need your help with putting Theodore in his rightful place."

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