18. Henry's Demand

Lucian's frowns deepen as he shifts his gaze from the injured men on the floor to the group slamming iron bats on their hands. They all wore black masks except for Henry, who dressed differently from them and wouldn't stop grinning. A satisfied expression spread across his features since his plan to get Lucian off his car in a lone street was successful.

Lucian instantly turned to see if the girl he was trying to save was also part of Henry's plan, and when she inched closer to him, she hid her shuddering body away from the prying eyes of Henry's men. Mason shrugged off the thought since she was a victim of Henry's vicious plan. He remembers Henry making threats, but he didn't expect him to pull something like this.

"I see, you were able to handle these two idiots," Henry said, placing his boot on top of their heads until one of them let out a whisper from the pain. "You must feel like a hero for saving that girl, don't you think?" he grinned, his tone laced with sarcasm, but Lucian
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