Chapter 134

James sat up on his hospital bed, as the door opened and the General walked in. He had a smile on his face.

"Morning General," James said with respect.

"Hello, Johnson. How's the injury today?" He asked

"All good. You know me. Up in about a few minutes." James joked

"How's the family?"

"They are doing great, watched twenty-four-seven by an army of the best-trained security guards. Thanks to you, my child and my baby were saved, and now, my daughter and I. We owe you a great deal Johnson, and that is why I came here to give you this." He said and handed him an envelope.

"The President himself signed it." The General added.

James opened up the envelope and pulled out a small piece of paper. It was a cheque. A cheque of two hundred billion dollars.

James' eyes widened at the sight of the cheque. His mouth popped open.

"This is too much! Mr. General!" James exclaimed.

"It is a token for saving citizens and your service over the years, Johnson." He replied cooly

James stared with his mouth
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