I woke up , in the room given to me ! Not knowing what happened in the battle . All I heard was Florence , Milessa , Stacy and raven talking . My eyesight was still blurred and my head was heavy . I moved my eyes right to left . And in the dark blurry shades I saw Sakura standing at a corner . I blinked my eyes to get rid of this little bit blurriness and noticed Maybe she wasn't there .

" So MR, finally you wake up after sleeping for 3 days straight? Stacy said who was standing at the right side of the bed with a raven.

Three days ? What actually happened.

I tried to look back into my memories and all I remember some kind of wild anger going in me with complete darkness around me .

" Oh damn you sleep alot like a slot ! " said Melissa, who was standing leaning against the wall but something was odd in the attire she wore .

I scanned her from head to toe .

" Hey stop staring jerk” suddenly she gets all flushed “ dammam!! Florence who the hell told you to pull me up here thi
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