









Instantly Alex looking at the system experienced a golden glow emanating from his body. The arrow in his mouth suddenly evaporated and his wounds made a full recovery and his detached hands grew back accompanied by golden energy. Alex finds his entire body healed from the pain and bruises.

He squeezes his eyes open and lifts himself from the ground in amazement looking at his hand and leg attached to his body.

" What the hell just happened? How is this possible? Does this mean I am immortal or something " he wondered while looking at his body, a voice spoke through the hall.

[Amazing isn't it, to have the power of a God]

" Who said that? Who are you? Show yourself?" Alex commanded as he turned three sixty with his eyes roaming around the dungeon cave looking for a person however a voice spoke back.

[I am God Ares, the god of violence bloodshed, and warfare and I am your god and you are my champion host]

" Champion host? Champion of what? show your self"

[Na na Nah, it doesn't work that way, Alex. If you truly want to see me then grab that key on the box]

Alex looked at the red bloody ancient-looking key on top of the Devil's box. He walked to the altar and pulled it from the box. Suddenly his system pops up.


"Ultra dimension key? What is that?"


"What should I do?"

[You want to see me then unlocking the door will reveal who I am]


Clicking the pop-up tab. Suddenly by Alex's right side, red violent lightning electricity cackled up swirling in the air. The electric lighting transforms into the shape of a red electric door floating mid-air. Alex walked to the door, thrust the key into the electric door keyhole, and turned it.


The door unlocks and a creaking sound echos through the hall as it opens. Inside the door, Alex saw another dimension, an alternate world, and reality filled with endless swords thrust to the ground.

Alex walked into the door into another world. As he walked out, Alex's eyes widened. He saw a deserted wasteland. A wilderness with hips of dead Greek military personnel armored bodies all mounted with arrows and swords on their bodies piled up to a mountain of dead.

On top of this mountain of dead bodies from a distance away from him. He saw a throne, a majestical king chair with a humanoid hooded person in dark loins sitting on the throne. His face was covered with a skull-like mask with tattoos on it. His eyes were almost red and, at the same time, orange, and his mouth had a sinister devilish smile.

[ Hi Alex, we finally meet facially after months of appearing in your dreams]

"You are Ares?"

[Yes I am ]

"Where is this place and what do you want?"

[Hmmm that's a good question. This is the ultra dimension where my realities are real. A place where I am the strongest and at the same time I am most vulnerable. The box is the key gateway to the ultra dimensions but once I am in your world. I am just a medieval myth spirit. We are here to fulfill our heart desires. So Alex what is your heart desire?]

"I, I want" Alex's face and eyes turn dark filled with anger. " I want vengeance and bloodshed. I want compensation for what is done to my grandmother, my mother, and i. I want to kill the. all" he shouted.

[ hmmm! Calm down Alex you will get your vengeance as long as I get what I want. As long as you can pay the prize]

" what is it you want?" Ares stood up from his throne and began to walk down. He walked the pile of bodies assembled in front of him to a bridge of dead bodies.

[I.....!] ARes looked down with the corner of his eyes and laughed devilishly [I want death, I want violence, I want bloodshed and ahaaaaa.... what I truly want more .....] Ares pulled a greek looking sword from a corpse lying next to him.

He throws the sword at Alex. Alex's eyes widened as a sword thrust the air at him. He lifted his two hands to block the sword however Ares vanished and appeared in front of him holding the sword in his hand aimed at Alexander's throat.

[I want to be the only God of warfare of good and evil. I want war. I want to command war.] Alex was surprised at the instant teleportation and question.

"Are you not the God of warfare? Is there any other God of warfare? " Ares looks at Alex and then looks up at the sky.

[There is one who contends the title with me since ancient times of the Greeks and the god of the gaps.

I once commanded the title the God of war to both the good and the bad however Zeus, the king of all Gods and the god of Olympus, and yet in his eyes. I was an anomaly in front of his eyes. The rebellious one who sided with Hades and once turned against him. If he wanted a loving son then he should have not divided my title and not shared it with a woman. A weaker vessel at that and she feels she can school me when it comes to the game of war. ]

" What title are you talking about?" Alex questioned as he watched Ares walk around him. Ares looked at Alex and said to his face [The God of warfare. See names and titles are our identity and also show and prove of power. In medieval times, when you mention a name such as duke of a kingdom or king. A name is an identity of power and authority. Giving that name to Athena the Goddess of war was a challenge to me as Zeus abandoned me. He chose Athena over me and all other Gods sided with Zeus and Athena making her A goddess of Good showing up to save humans in war, Zeus cursed me to become the evil god of war that always causes evil and war and violence and bloodshed that became a vampire that dwells on blood. I can't forgive them for that therefore, I want my vengeance against the gods. The battle in the game of gods will give me the opportunity to exact my vengeance on Athena and take my title to be both the good and evil and the Only god of war. Zeus and the Gods will pay for neglecting me and the opportunity has presented itself. This is where you come in, through you, I can exact my vengeance on them]

" What about me? How do I become powerful to destroy my enemies without getting caught"

[It is simple, I will show you away but you must promise to abide by eight rules]


[One- as the god of bloodshed and violence. You must kill at least one human if not every day but at least one week.] "What kill? I haven't killed anyone before? The human laws prevent that" Alex exclaimed

[Don't worry Alex. I chose you and not the other way around. we came up with a method convenient for you to do so. Do you remember. like we practiced last time].

[Two- No falling in love. I represent everything that has to do with evil and hatred. Love weakens my powers and so you must never fall in love for I am a jealous deity].

[ Three- To kill and control a person in the human realm, you must stab a quill pen into the back neck of that person and with its blood. You must write out or sketch out in a book the method and scenarios you want that person to die. That blood is the altar sacrifice which I can use as a medium channel to kill that person]

[Four- To see the future in seconds or see through the eyes of a human, one year of your life will be taken away. Let's say you were to die in tens of years. You will die in nine years]

[five- you can pause time for five minutes but the more you kill. The more that option is available to you]

[Six- when fighting against spirit beings. You have the abilities teleport to distances as long as your sword is thrown to that distance just as you saw me demonstrate a while back. That ability is called God's hand control]

[Seven- You are a mage and one ability that makes us stand out among other gods is the ability to use our power to steal other Gods and their army to fight for us. So you Alexandrian the great. We are going to fight against Athena and her army and when we defeat her. We can control her and her army. We will fight all the gods needed and we will fight Zeus and then Odin the Norse Gods] Ares slammed his hand on Alex's shoulder then looked into his eyes and said.

[Alex the last and eighth Rule you must always remember. I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND... don't break any of the rules, especially the first two rules, or else I will turn against you. I am not your friend and I am not your enemy at least for now as long as our goals are aligned with each other. Now Alex there is no turning back]

Ares puts a quill pen in Alex's hand. [this is the quill pen of blood. An artifact from Olympus was used by Apollo and others to write songs and sign blood contracts. you remember what i said when the first murder occured. Do not lose it. i will come to you when your are ready for another kill." Alex nods his head as he grabs the pen.

" So how do we fight Athena? She must be strong right?"

[Yes she is a formidable opponent especially her gorgorian spear and shield of Medusa and her army of snakes that can turn anyone into stone by looking at them. You must fight her without her looking at her]

"What fight without looking into her eyes? How Am I supposed to do that?"

[You must learn to fight. She will be a great adversary you have never faced however you are in luck for I have seen the future. Your first battle is against Kratos who is on his way to Korea to find you ]

"Who is Kratos?"

[He is the plague, the ghost of Sparta who swore vengeance against the gods of Olympus due to his grievances. Athena in one way helped him on his journey to vengeance. He can clone and multiply himself with an army of assassins. If you can defeat kratoes. You will be able to confuse Athena and her champion to which one is the real you. You must force her to use her ultra dimension where you will then assassinate Athena and control her and her army to fight any one]

" Nice plan. So when do we begin training?"

[Right now.] Ares snaps his finger and the environment suddenly changes from a wasteland to a sea. At the shores of the sea was a Greek temple on a mountain of rocks and above the temple was a cloud leading to Olympus. Alex found himself on top ancient boat with Ares miles away from the shores.

Alex lifts his head to look and to his amazement. The night stars shone their light on an ancient Greek temple filled with round pillars.

[This is Athens. In that temple, there are monsters to be slain. You must swim through the sea of monsters to the ancient temple up through the dungeon to the Olympus ]

" what? Did you just say sea of monsters?" Alex looked around the dark sea and he saw the sea glow emanating a bright white light underneath the boat.

Alex looked into the sea and saw a giant thunderous sea dragon serpent sea monster with dragon wings filled with dragon scales swimming in the sea.

Alex's heart rises in fear and panic. He jumped backing away to the boat until his body slammed against Ares.

" Are you insane, how do you expect me to fight against that thing" he shouted in fear.

[Don't worry you will not go without protection] Ares snaps his fingers.

Instantly Assembled on Alex's head was a bronze brown T T-shaped Greek helmet identical to a Roman soldier Helmet which hid his face. His clothing changed to an armored chest breastplate, a leather skirt, and leather sandals with leather leathered up close to his knees. Alex was instantly dressed like a Greek soldier with a blue cape behind his back.

A Greek hoplite sword and a round symbol engraved shield appeared in his hand.

"What do I do with this?" Alex looked at Ares.

[ Fight! The battle you shall face from now on is the battle of monsters and deities. You must learn to face your fears just like the quote says. I came, I saw and I conquered]

Ares lifted his right foot, thrust it into the air, and slammed a kick at Alexander's body. Alex found himself lifted into the air as Ares was further away from his reach.



His back slaps against the sea of many waters sinking beneath the sea floor. Alex's eyes widened as a sea dragon's serpent monster noticed setting its gaze on him. It dives swimming towards Alex's direction. Alex panicked and tried to swim away, however.

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