The villans soldiers attacked on the heroes and their dragons. The dragons confuse and flew in wrong direction. In that way they listened the voices again of strange meaningless words. The dragons followed the voice. The heroes on the back of the dragons are confused so much. They followed the voice and went to the place that where the sounds coming. They saw the strange person again. They asked who is he?
He replied that, " I'm 'Alex', I'm the protector of the natural powers. I stored the powers in that 5 eggs. But u took them. Many years ago a bad god is turned into a devil. He used many powers and combined them and created The DARK POWER. It is auto controlled power.
Then all gods decided and created five NATURAL POWERS . But there is a problem because the dark is made with more powers and it is very powerful than natural powers.
The gods and devils fought , Finally the gods won. But they couldn't kill the dark. So they kill the devil and locked the dark in space on one planet. The gods create me and gave me some defense power to protect the natural powers. They are stored in the eggs, on that day I went out, Then you too the powers".
Then the heroes replied that ,"will return the powers by tomorrow, we have one small work.There is another three devils, we will punish
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The heroes got the powers from dragons. Those are :-HIMA - FIRE POWERMANI - WATER & ice TRILOK - LAND & TREES DHANU - THUNDERCHAITU - AIR They again went to the race. They fastly went to the waterfalls. Again the soldiers attacked on them. This time heroes won and killed them. Hima and Aki are first. They two reached the finish🏁 line. NOW THIRD ROUND..They fighting hardly. All are very fearful. Ellena wants to marry Hima. But Knowbody knows who is going to be win. Aki is in loosing stage. So he suddenly called his army. He already planned it. He wants to rule the world. So he already brought his full army and dragons. All are shocked. THEN HEROES AND DRAGONS ARE READY WITH THEIR POWERS AND BATTALION. ALL LORDS & KINGS ALSO HELPED THE HEROES. ALEX HELPED THEM. NOW THE WAR IS STARTED. THE DRAGONS USED THIER NATURAL POWERS. AND THEY WON. SO MANY PEOPLE ARE ⚰DIED. AGAIN GOOD WON AGAINST THE BAD. "PEACE IS PEACE, WHICH ALWAYS MAKES ALL HAPPY. BUT WAR DESTROYS EVERYONE'S HAPPINES
It's our Earth. It's 25th NYC (2525 NATURE YEAR CENTURY).𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐀𝐋 𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐄𝐒 𝐀𝐑𝐄 𝐃𝐈𝐄𝐃. The all people in the world are very sad. They don't know what happened, how they died. All transformed their dresses into black. Millions of people surrounded by the natural heroes dead bodies. So many people cried. Finally they finished all the programmes and they built a great Tomb in the City's middle. The government and people gave them a great send off. Alex wants to tell the tell the story of the great legends of natural heroes on that night for all people who came in millions. He had started - " After I came from the parallel world this earth is very updating fast. I have stored the eggs in under ground.And observed many thighs. All are very intelligent. They invented and discovered many thighs from then and until now.Its a great thing.They love,care,fight, cheat,cry,laugh,eat,kill,etc.You used many thighs from earth. You all made more useless things than useful thin
ABHAY ROY wants to keep a meeting .His thought was to combine the 5 people's business and make them five as single company and become they as WORLD'S top 1.He kept the meeting in Maniking's company at night .He told that its a good idea, you five think about it and take a good decision. They came out and sending off ABHAY ROY. He went in car.They five are talking about it at outside of the company building.Suddenly from underground some monsters and Alex came by breaking the ground and road.Alex throw the powers on the five heroes from a small hight from sky .And then there is a big powers blast happened , and the monsters are died.Alex said thanks them and tried to take the powers back.But they won't came back to alex.The heroes don't know what happened to them.They are scared some.For alex also same feelings because why the powers won't came back.They five asked what happened. Alex says don't shout loudly,can we got a private place .Then MANIKING say we can go to my house , it is
Alex said you all should trained for fighting.They will come again for the powers.I can't defeat them so please help me to save this universe.They doubtly said yes.And also Alex said that their age will stop from now.They don't get old.They won't die until someone kills.Their strength also increased so much.They felt very much excited and happy.Alex gave a book.Maniking - What is the book about?Alex - I wrote this book .It is about how to use and control the powers.Chaitanya - What power I have ?Alex - Uhh,wait let me see...For MANIKING - ICE & WATER For HIMAKAR - FIRE For TRILOK - LAND & TREES ( NATURE ),For CHAITANYA - AIR For DHANUSH - THUNDER All love their powers.They went into a 3D space for practicing.They trained , enjoyed , had fun , friendship , love , together and they learned the using of the powers.But sometime they can't control the powers. It may took sometime and experience.One day evening Maniking was sat in the balcony of his home.He was seeing the beauty
All in the world are very surprised and scared. The spaceship is big. All agents and army surrounded the spaceship. They checked the spaceship , but there is no one in it. Some people thinks the alien are transformed into humans and living there for a mission. Some thinks a empty space ship came.They are still enquiring.Maniking is so sad . He cried a lot. Because his hard work is totally destroyed in front of him.He was angry on Alex. He blamed and shouted on alex.Alex - Please, be patient Maniking.In past the powers are stored under your company. Its not my fault. First I stored them.Later you built the company.So they destroyed the company to go in.There is a bad news again.Someone killed ABHAY ROY. The agents didn't found his body too. Dhanush is very much sad.All tried to help him.But no use.Later two days Maniking remembered an big thing.He called the five .He said that - we forget about the protector of earth.Alex - What protector?Chaitanya - It was created around the ear
They decided to go Freedom - 14 country. For any evidences. They all are packed and taken the portal permissions from the freedoms-14 country.Himakar is watching tv until the time of portal opens.There is a news in the tv , A physco - killer killed a business man who is a partner of ABHAY roy's company. Its a mystery.The portable is opend . They went to in .They reached the freedom - 14 within seconds. Himakar arranged a secret agents who is gonna be help them. The agent it undercover officer.They went to Motel and went to meet the agent. They went to a secret place and went to agent.Her name is SHADY.She is secret agent. Maniking is shocked when he saw her. Maniking - (loudly) Lets get off here.She is a big cheater.She cheated and played with my emotions.Himakar - What happened mk ?Maniking - Before five years we too loved each other very much. When I felt useless, lonely & sad then she came into my life.I felt so happy she gave me many day I proposed her , she
Maniking asked shady how to enter into the KELLON city.It the most dangerous place in the whole country.Because there are most dangerous people running most dangerous businesses. There 24/7 flying small cams are there.They can scan any gadgets easily. They should meet the most dangerous big famous unknown face person named as 'Mr.Unknown'. Until now no one saw his face.He had connections with many planets,aliens , monsters and big people.SHADY - I have a plan to enter the city.But I can't come with you. You five should go into the city by name of business which is needed for Mr.Unknown . Himakar - What business work right now he needed ?Shady - He want the best spaceship with high specifications. So you say you will give it for him.Chaitanya - We don't have spaceship na ?Shady - They don't know na ?Dhanush - OP!Shady - You just say we will give you free , but give us the percentage after completing the mission.Maniking - So then we can know that from which gate the spaceship i
THE DRAGONS and THE NATURAL HEROES Mission started .Plan A or B ?
As their plan they five is ready out side the city.Shady sent the fake cam and it confused the cams by sending radiations again their processor.The heroes into the city.The plan A is started.The five heroes entered in the city with business style . The city is fully rush of people always roaming. They 5 are asking the where's mr.unknown's place.All seen them as weird.One member came and asked what is the work with sir? They replied that we have the super delux with special gadgets spaceship for sir.Then he said come with me.He took heroes to the secret place in the underground. It is very big.In it there are more that 100 gaurds . And there Mr.Unknown is sat on big chair at some height.But they can't see him there is no light focused on him.Only dark they are seeing not his face. Mr.Unknown - How much the ship is ?Heroes - We just want partnet-ship .All laughed at a time.Then Unknown - asked them are you just want to know the which door is opend ?HImakar - Ya.But how did you k
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They both huged and trilokesh introduced him to Kwen and Magic girl , they all are talking with each other . Astron with his soliders entered into his planet , but it was full of fire and it was clumsy there, because heroes are destroying his planet for Trilokesh , one by fourth of his army and planet was destroyed by heroes . Astron shouted loudly from his space ship and said stop destroying my planet.Who the hell are you Natural Heroes ?Maniking - Then release my friend , i will leave you and your planet .Astron - Hahaha .. I am happy today that i got you and i will take your powers and take revenge for my brothers death. All my enemies are at one place together. The universe has forgetting the power of Astron.Now I will remember. Come!Then suddenly a blast happen in his space ship . It was made by Himakar and his team . Then war begins and the three by fourth of his army started fighting and Mr.O's soliders also started fighting and this ia big war ever no one is stepping back .
So they headed towards Motor planet . Maniking said thanks for Mr.O for helping these people . And he asked a man where kwen, trilokesh and he said they were in Astron's planet . Alex , Maniking , Chaitanya , Dhanush , Mr.O and his soliders started to Astron's planet. Astron and his army went to Motor planet they saw no one . so he asked a men in street that where are bloody natural heroes and he replied that they went to Astron's planet . so they started to his planet . Himakar is seeing the whole ship and suddenly he saw Trilokesh .Himakar - Hey Trilokesh, how are you ? How did you came here ? Trilokesh - Who are you ? Wait i saw you on internet , but how did you came into this space ship ?(Himakar deleted his mask)(The face changing mask is also an VIP gadget .)Himakar - Its me man , i changed my face to enter into this space ship and its a long story .Trilokesh - Its good to see you my friend..
Chaitanya - Who is Mr.O ,Alex ? Alex - He is Mr.O , he is also a great warrior and he is my friend . But how you came here and why ? Mr.O - My agent said to me ,that there is a problem here and you too are here.What happened in Mr.O's kingdom is...Solider - My lord ,a message came from Mortor planet sent by our agent .Mr.O - What's that , read it .Solider - " My lord Astron's army came to Mortor planet and they are taking the people into their space ships to their planet as their slaves and three members came and fighting aganist them so please help these people . Somebody are saying that they are Natural Heroes & There is your friend Alex also. " this the message came my lord..Mr.O - (loudly) Soliders ready for war within two minutes we are going to Motor planet to save them.We should show our full power to Astron this us the time to revenge on the bloody Astron.While they were talking a men sent a information to Astron . Astron seen then he rushed towards space ship and he o
Now Himakar is again doing some experiments and he also watching news in tv . In that news a famous personality was talking , Then Astron entered into earth he took his small space ship and he is going towards Himakar because we know he is a best doctor , Himakar saw Astron coming into his office so he changed his face into that famous personality who was in tv.. Astron - Hey doctor come and check me ..Himakar - What ! I am not a security guy to check you , i'm a world's no.1 doctor .Astron - I have an health issue so i came for complete checkup, so do it .Himakar - Okay don't worry. In my life I have checked many monsters illegally. But I didn't seen this type of you. Are you only one who left alive in your planet ?Astron - Its none of your business. And nobody can't see my type of monsters because I am the Legend of monsters.Himakar is doing checkup and he is waiting for reports ..When Maniking and others entred into Mortot planet there they saw conflict, there they saw a mini
Monster-1 - Where we are going now ?Monster-2 - we are going to earth to take the ring parts , but Astron changed plane because he have some Health issues so we are going to earth for cheakup .Monster 1 - Say clearly you stupid.Monster 2 - First Astron and minister will go the earth are they will check-up ASTRØN about his health issues and they return. Until then we should wait in spaceship out of the earth.Monster 1 - Okay.Shit how much time I should wait to eat humans, i'm hungry.Magic girl - Its the right time to kill Astron because he will be weak now , So come on follow me.Kwen - What wait , they said its an health issue , may be its a hand problem ,and if we made any mistake in this big space ship they will kill us and they will eat.Trilokesh - Yes what he said was correct , we have to wait for a correct time.Himakar said to Dhanush to sleep, but he didnt listen to him so he went to Motor planet to help Alex and other members. So Himakar noticed and immedietly he informe
Magic girl - Because of you both we are prisioned here. How should we escape now ? There are many monsters here .Trilokesh - What we have done ? You always needs to kill the Astron na ! So now go and kill him.Do any magic now.Magic girl - I will do, there are monsters surrounded us . i will try to open the gate, then you both go and finish the monsters around us Kwen and Trilokesh ( at a time ) - yeah ready..When she opned the gate three members at a time a fought with monsters and they went to the space ships .Kwen - What's the plan now ? Trilokesh - Ok , First we should know where the Astron was and then we will kill him and we will return to Earth..Kwen - Kill him ! Are you thinking its easy to kill the monster legend Astron ?Trilokesh - Maybe , but we should try na . I think my friends are on the way for me. They are also natural heroes , so they will also help us.They three escaped from their with any doubt for any monsters with magic and they successfuly entered into th
Dhanush - What are you thinking about Alex ?Himakar - He is very intelligent person in this earth. But I don't know why he is not involving in all problems .I think he is hiding something from us .He is a kind person.And finally he is the oldest person in the world lol.Dhanush - Lol ! Its true .Then what about Maniking ?Himakar - He is a hard worker , Strong person , so intelligent, etc. So what you think about him ?Dhanush - Ahh ! What you told about him is absolutely true. He is in pain now .He didn't want to share his sadness I think. He did very hard work inspite off many difficulties.So I always respect him.I - I just wanted to go to the Mortor planet.Himakar - Why ? What are you talking?Dhanush - What we should here ? My revenge also completed. No we should go and help them.We should find Trilokesh .Himakar - Shut up and go to sleep .Trilokesh, magic girl and K are prisioned in the Astron's planet . The planet is with red soil and plane without any tress or plants.There
Himakar - Who killed him ? And for what ?Dhanush - The four business partners killed him for money. They created a fake documents. I checked them . Still one member is left . He was get alerted so he escaped. We should find him .Then my revenge will complete.I know the place where he will come today night.They both went to the place and secretly waiting for the 4th person. He came there , they decided its the right time to kill him , but suddenly two monsters came and killed him. And eating him and talking about that ..Monster 1 - Hey he is very tasty .Monster 2 - Ya. Do you know that the natural heroes killed Vener . And one hero went to the Mortor planet ? He went alone to meet the Kwen (K).Monster 2 - Ohh. I don't know .Don't disturb me , I will eat you if u disturb me .Always talking. Get lost.Himakar and Dhanush were shocked and went from there to inform the information to them.But at that same time they reached the Liro planet and searched for him .Then they got the inform
They three went to to the planet. On that night the pschyo killer killed another business person. The person is also related to Abhay ram's company.The killer was Dhanush . Himakar followed Dhanush saw that he killed the person. Later They both came home.Himakar - Where are you coming from? Dhanush - Just roaming out side for fresh air. Why ?Himakar - Nothing , I have seen a person who is like you. He killed someone. I though that you did .Thank god ! (serious)Why are your killing them as a psycho killer. You till three members until now. The common thing is all you killed persons are business partners of your father. Did you killed your father too ?Dhanush hugged Himakar and cried a lot .Dhanush - (sadly) My mother died when i'm 5. So many people cheated in the business , for some years my father was nothing . But he doesn't lost his hope for me. And on one day he became the world no.1 richest person for nearly 10 years . That's my father . I ever proud of him.