
Alastair and Miranda watched as the King paced up and about in the throne room, baffled, his face creased with worries, he will stop every minute and ponder for a second then goes about pacing again.

Miranda wonders what goes on in his mind, watching his every moves with intent.

“Pray tell, the heavens that one day, I will not be overthrown by this woman I call my wife.” Marius said, his face looking toward the ceiling in reverence to him looking at the sky as he prays.

Marius looked threatened not only at the fact that the people regards his wife more than him and that what if it happens that they start seeing his wife as both king and queen.

“No!” Maris thundered, “it can’t happen and it won’t!” He shook his head, “I am the king and I shall act the role of the king, and no one regards the queen than I.”

Miranda shuddered and Alastair quickly holds her, it was obvious that the king was overly jealous of his queen Sophia, and his mind has been clouded with hatred for her and at this
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