
As soon as Alastair and Miranda stepped into the Hall, the doors shut behind them. They could see the cube at the centre of the room, thrumming with energy as they looked around. The ghost stood on a side of the hall, watching them closely and carefully as they observed her as well.

Miranda was especially fascinated. She had never thought that she would find the ghost of a queen in the catacombs. The royals were always burried according to the rites of the kingdom but there was something fishy about the Queen's history after all.

According to the books, the queen had helped her husband defeat a great for by serving as his Mastermind. However, she wanted to take the throne for herself for she believed that she was more suited to rule than he was. That led to her husband banishing her from the palace and Elderien forever. It was never stated what Became of her after her banishment, but the king remarried and had children with the new wife which continued his lineage.

What if there was a
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