The three young lads continued their walk, they were discussing about the murder incident at the alleyway. Based on the way they responded to it, it felt like the alleyway murder wasn't the first strange death to had occurred in the town.
"Another strange death, what's this town turning into?" Brian was the first to raise the issue."You're acting as if our town is the only center of strange deaths, of which are stated to be as a result of a wild animal. Same incidents have been reported all over the country, even in the big cities. Based on estimation, at least a hundred people are reported to have died of strange deaths in a year, and 50% of this strange death victims were tore into shreds. The country is becoming more of a death zone than a home. Wealthy businessmen are beginning to move their families out of the country, leaving the poor and average citizens like us, to be buried along the county's crisis." Jordan explained, the rest of them were marveled by his ways of always researching and studying. He noticed the surprises on their faces. "Don't tell me none of you two watch the night news, they broadcast about it every night. What's the use of your mobile phones if you don't do researches!""What do you think of us, goats. Of course we do research, just that we don't do your kind of research." Vincent defended. "Well what still puzzles me is, how do wild animals find their way to urban areas?""That still remains a mystery!" Jordan exclaimed."They just don't know how to lie to the public." Brian responded, and the trio burst into laughter, laughing to the depths of their throats."You sure do know how to brighten the room, Brian." Vincent complimented. The boys arrived at the front gate of wonder ville academy. The town's very own school, and the only school located in wonder ville. The school was attended by all races, the rich, average and poor. It wasn't a five stars academy, but it was quite popular. The school was made up of three building blocks of which were all three storey buildings. The building at the right was the junior high school block, the one on the left was for the senior high school students, and the middle block, was occupied by both junior and senior staffs. The trio made their way through the gates, into the school premises. The school compound housed both a football field, a volleyball court and a basketball court. They had couches who emphasize on sports activities.The school was already half filled, students were either just arriving or exploring the school premises. The lads headed for the senior school block, though the building was only four floors, it's width and length extended to a large range, making it possible for the school to posses all rooms. Vincent, Jordan and Brian were first year senior high school students, Brian was in class 1C, while Vincent and Jordan were in class 1A. They arrived at the entrance door to the class 1A classroom, so Vincent and Jordan bids Brian goodbye, as they alighted into their classroom. "Don't go home without me, today." Brian requested, as he kept walking to his class section. "We would try." He heard Vincent's reply, it was faint but though it echoed in his ears. The duo located their respective desks, Jordan's own was at the second column, first roll, the front benchers. That was the term used in referring to first roll nerds. While Vincent's desk was far from Jordan's own, his seat was located at the last roll. The desks in the classroom were arrayed in six columns, four rolls, which summed that the number of desks in the classroom were twenty-four in total. Vincent's desk was at the first column, fourth roll, the back benchers. He headed straight to his desk to occupy it. The desks in the classroom were almost occupied, only five seats were left unoccupied, and Vincent's desk was amongst them. He finally occupied his desk, leaving only four desks unoccupied."Good morning Vincent. How was your night?" A familiar feminine voice erupted in his ears. It took him few seconds to get himself together, in other to reply. His cheeks were already redden in excitement and discomfort. He was experiencing a mixed feeling."G…Great!" Vincent stammered, he knew to his bones that he was lying, his night wasn't exciting at all. Given that his crush had attacked him. And she was standing right in front of him, asking about how his night went, with a dazzling smile engraved on her lips. Her beautiful average physique that made any guy dream about having her to themselves, those charming lips of hers that made him want to kiss her that instance. Her sky blue iris that felt like they could glow in the dark, her long blonde hair, packed in a ponytail style, gleaming to the lights radiance. And the smile she wore made him feel as if she was aware of her appearance in his dream."My night was great. And yours?" Vincent added, he had somehow found the strength to speak without stammering."Oh, that's nice. Mine was fantastic. I dreamt about my crush. And believe me it felt real." She responded. Vincent was puzzled, why would she share such classified information with him, they weren't even close friends. And he thought again. 'How is it that we both dreamt about our crushs, the same night? Was she making it up? Did she truly appeared in my dreams on purpose? Then why does her dream have a happy ending?' Vincent questioned himself to heart. He felt denial! "That's great news, Sharon. Maybe meeting your crush in reality would help tighten the bond more." Another feminine voice erupted. This one was also very familiar to Vincent. 'Lance Deborah' her desk was close to his, the last roll, but second column. She had a slim physique, with black hair and deep green iris. She too was a beauty, but she prefers not to let her beauty go way too into her head. "Now miss Nelson, if you don't mind, whoosh yourself away.""Deb..!" Vincent was numb, he knew Deborah was trying to defend him, but she was being too harsh to the girl he was having feelings for."Oh I do mind. Was it because I permit a low class citizen like you to gaze upon my beautiful presence, you're not half the beauty I am. Vincent, talk to you later, maybe a place where we could have a little privacy." Sharon responded angrily, backing her insults with a faint smile, she walked away majestically to her desk. Deborah was frozen, sure the insults hit a vital spot, but she was the type to assume the worst things as a joke. In no seconds she was back being herself. "Deb, are you alright?" Vincent asked, feeling sorry for her. "Dude, that girl doesn't love you as much as you do to her. She's just using you. That's what rich kids do in wonder ville, they use the poor like rags. I see the homeworks you help her with, I just hope you don't realize it, when it's too late." Deborah inclined, heading to her seat. Their homeroom teacher stepped into the class, the students immediately compose their selfs. Vincent made a final thought, 'Sharon has done nothing but be good to me. She is nothing like the Sharon in my dream, I won't categorize her as amongst the selfish wealthy men and women of this town. She is genuine!' Time sped, it was now lunch break, as usual Vincent and his friends were always seen together, except in classes. The lads were having their lunch, Jordan had brought one along with him, from home. While Vincent and Brian had to buy snacks from the school canteen. They occupied one of the seats in the dinning hall, jesting about their experience in their respective classrooms. "Am telling you. He totally yelled back at the teacher." Brian said wholeheartedly."Who doesn't that? It's clearly written on every word that comes out of your mouth, you're lying!" Jordan being the nerdy type, responded, not believing Brian's tales."Am not lying. It's the truth, I went to the staffs office, that's where I witnessed Henry Calvin, talking back at a teacher, and walking out of the teacher. He saw me eavesdropping, and threatened to deal with me." Brian replied, convincing his friends to believe his words."You got yourself in trouble, his the biggest bully in school, and because his from a wealthy family, the school let's his offences slide. Now his literally gonna turn you to his errand boy, have you do all his works. He would make life miserable for you in school until you eventually withdraw from school or commit suicide!" Vincent exclaimed, and both him and Jordan started making mockery of Brian. During their uncontrollable laughter, a group of seven teenage boys walked up to their table. "Hey Brian, mind if I join you?" A masculine voice inquired, one could sense the mockery in his tune. His name was Henry Calvin, wonder ville high school's greatest bully. He is rumoured to bully both junior high and senior high school students. And had occasionally made some students withdraw from school, and move out of the town. His family's wealth had bought the mouths of the authorities, so they let all his offences slide without even questioning him. Every student hated him, and thoes who couldn't keep up with him, joined his company, becoming official bullies themselves. "Why not sit somewhere else, this table is occupied." Vincent responded sharply, sizing Henry up."Yeah you heard him, head out daddy's boy, you don't wanna get your ass whooped and handed to you in a sliver platter." Jordan backed Vincent up, Brian and Vincent stared at him in awe, it was the first time their saw Jordan ever talked to a person in such manner. It felt awesome. "You really don't know how to address your seniors right, nerd. Am gonna teach you and your loser buddies a lesson after school. Be sure to not flee away, or else it would be double." Henry threatened, glaring at them wickedly, and in an instance, his frown died down to a grin."Now then, eat well, you would need all the energy you can muster." His gang bursted into an uncontrollable laughter, even when what Henry said wasn't funny, they dared not fall in his black list, so laughing was a way of involvement. They were done relaying their threats, so they walked away. The dinning hall was quiet for a second, every student present in the hall room were staring at the three friends, they either wore pitiful faces on, or grinned in satisfaction. People feel like they needed other people to go through the same horrors they've been through, so the grins on their faces meant that they were satisfied that the tables had turned."Thanks for getting me into a double trouble. Too much for I have friends to back me up, they just probably dug a grave instead." Brian frowned, he was already imagining the horrors and beatings that awaited him after school. He completely regretted ever going to the staffs block, or eavesdropping on a meaningless conversation that had brought him trouble. At that moment he prayed for God's intervention."Didn't mean to make matters worse. Now it's literally from the frying pan to the fire. We're dead!" Jordan exclaimed."Nothing to be afraid of, I got y'all covered. I will protect my friends till my last breath." Vincent assured. Jordan and Brian felt inspired, their faces brightened, as they wore faint smiles. This was one of Vincent's speciality, he was used to encouraging his friends, leading them even when they walked through hell. He was literally fearless, well he was, except for the dream that made his heart skip."Thanks man, really appreciated." Brian found his voice, it was as if the fear had suddenly disappeared. The school bells reverberated all through the school premises. The lunch break had come to an end, it was time to continue lessons!Related Chapters
THE EXORCISTS ACADEMY At the basketball court.
Vincent walked through the front porch of the senior high building. He had earlier on received a message from Sharon, asking him to meet her in the basketball court. At first he was nervous, all sorts of negative thoughts ran through his head, he even decided not to go, but felt that his judgment would be too harsh, and she might eventually hate him for it. He made the decision to go see her, and was certain that he could break free from any lust thought that came after that.He kept walking, encountering other students in the veranda, they too had sneaked out of class. Well this was his first time sneaking out during lessons, he sure hoped he wouldn't get into trouble. He finally arrived at the entrance of the basketball court, it was indoor, an extremely large hall room made to house both the audience's seats and the player's court. Stepping into the hall room his eyes locked up on Sharon, she sat atop the judges desk, awaiting him. He gently walked up to her."Hey!" Vincent waved
THE EXORCISTS ACADEMY The devil curse, hand.
A man dressed in a black leather jacket, white trousers, and a pair of white shoes, walked into an environment, binded by police restriction labels, which were placed to restrict civilians from going into the area, for it was still under investigation. This location was the alleyway, where the murder had taken place. The young man, probably in his mid twenties, was examining the surroundings. His gray eyes, searching for any possible clues, in the environment. He could sense the evil aura emanating within the vicinity, but even with the leaking negative energies, he couldn't sense the malevolent entity. Sigh!He hissed a sigh of frustration, surely the being was toying with him. Not wanting to be seen. "Keep doing what you do best. Hiding. Just give me a minute to get my cigarette, I will be back before you even know it!" The man exclaimed, taking a turn and exiting the lonely alleyway.***Vincent, Jordan and Brian were heading to their respective houses. Usually, they walk home to
THE EXORCISTS ACADEMY Shall now exorcize you.
The monster broke free from the grips of the earth, tearing the ground apart, which resulted in a shockwave that swept the entire surrounding, drastically sweeping obstacles off its radar. The monster floated in mid air, its body reformed itself, slowly, transmuting in the process. Its fur skin tore open, and a new entity came out from within it. This figure's skin was pitch black, it had a humanoid physique, its face was without a nose, and its eyes were crimson red as blood, its mouth was extremely wide, engraving a maniac smile that revealed its sharp teeths. It rotated its head thrice in a roll, in excitement, giving off a wicked mumbling laughter; "Hehehe!" Its mouth attempted to speak, but the words coming out from its mouth were inaudible, they were more like mere murmurs, unclear to the ordinary ear, it just felt as if it was giving off reverberating vibrating frequencies with its mouth. It descended forcefully to the ground on its feet, furtherly tearing the earth beneat
Vincent's eyelids pathed open, the view that was reflected to his vision was of a hazy image. He blinked his eyes twice to adjust his retina to the brightness of his surroundings. "This is my room." Vincent spoke in a faint tune, noticing the familiarity of his surroundings. "But how did I get home?" He questioned himself, trying to put together what he could remember. "The last thing I could remember was feeling dizzy and blacking out. Aaahh! My head hurts." Vincent responded, he felt a slight ache. "It probably must be as a result of the fall. But how did I lose balance so easily? My body. It's heavy and aching. It must be from those bruises. Why can't I make out the full details of what happened."He struggled to sit-up, and it was a success after two trials. He held his head gently with both hands, bending his head to see if the memories would flow in. Eventually, he remembered all that had taken place yesterday. Ranging from the fight with Henry that bruised his entire body,
A blue car drove into the compound of the care foundation hospital. The vehicle reversed to park well at the parking lot. Both doors of the car swung open, as two individuals walked out of it. A man in his twenties, who was the driver of the car, and a teenage boy. The man was dressed in a blue turtleneck sweater, red trousers and a pair of blue sneakers, matching his attire. His hair was black and curly, and his eyes were gray. The boy was cladded on a black top shirt, green pants and a pair of red sneakers. His black spiky hair was charming, and his dazzling amber eyes radiated sunlight. They both were revealed to be Nathan Sean and Alexander Vincent. They had arrived at the hospital of which Jordan was admitted in. The hospital wasn't that big, it was only a five storey block. But Its compound expanded widely, housing at the right hand side, a lot for parking ambulance trucks, and the left hand side, as the public, free parking lot. Its surroundings were adorned with flowers
The next morning, Vincent woke before the sun rose. He did some pushups and situps, exercising his body. While under the act, his alarm clock rang, he quickly stopped exercising. An alarm that was meant to wake him up, now served as a reminder that he needed to freshen up. He walked into his bathroom to take his bath. Few minutes later, he walked out of his room, dressed in his school uniform, a white short sleeved shirt, dark blue trousers, dark blue tie, a pair of white shoes and a bag hung to his back. He gently walked down the stairs, heading to the dining table. As usual his mouth was dishing out the meal. They exchanged greetings, and he ate his breakfast. He hurriedly rushed down their building, assuming that his friends were outside, waiting for him. It was when he was outside, that he remembered that Jordan was still at the hospital. His face wore a saddened expression. He surveyed his surroundings, searching for Brian. But the latter was present. "That lazy bones isn't o
THE EXORCISTS ACADEMY Massacre at the subway station.
At the wonder ville subway station, the train had just arrived, braking to a stop, as it erupted a rumbling sound to the atmosphere. People were already at standby, waiting for the doors of the train to open. And when it finally did, they waited for the passengers to get off, to make way out of the train, so they could board the train. As the doors of the train automatically opened, crimson liquid streamed from within the train, like a gushing waterfall, bathing the standbys in blood.Thud!An object fell to the floor of the train, rolling out of it towards a lady. "Aaahh!!" The lady screamed loudly, drawing everyone's attention to her. The people who had been so frustrated, after being soaked by the gushing red liquid, immediately looked towards where the lady was pointing out. "It's a human head!" Someone from within the crowd exclaimed, raising an alarm. "Aaahh!!""Aaahh!""Aaahh! Somebody help." A sudden outrageous scream erupted from the entire surrounding. Someone else had
Vincent, Brian, and Henry and his goons were immediately summoned to the principal's office. Mr Parker was unhappy, because of what he had witnessed. "How dare them fight inside the school premises!" He said to himself, feeling really upset. He had listened to their pointless explanations, without gaining a single clue to what they were insinuating. From his perspective, he felt that they were fooling him just to get away with what they had done. And he, who he was going to punish for the incident was..."Vincent, how dare you and Brian assault a fellow student. A senior for that matter. It seems like you two now feel like you're above the school's rules and regulations." Mr Parker promptly said. "But sir.." Henry wanted to speak, but he was quickly interrupted by their principal."No buts, Henry. You and your colleagues acted out of self defense. Brian assaulted you first. So now you may demise yourselves. Leave me to these troublesome two." He responded, referring to Vincent and
Latest Chapter
A feminine figure.
"Oh my goodness. That man just came out from the ground!" Mr Parker exclaimed. He was filled with astonishment, at the same time he was deeply terrified. "W-Who the heck are you people?" He found the voice to question. Receiving no answers, he looked at the boys besides him. They weren't frightened, they were calm, and he could sense the glamor of hope emitting from their faces. 'How come they aren't afraid? Is he the good guy? If so, does that mean those three are the bad guys.' Mr Parker inclined to himself. He had solved the entire equations of questions hovering around his head, with the theories from novels, or movies. A certain point of a movie where the bad guys appear, and the hero makes a dramatic entrance. But he still mumbled to himself, wondering if his theory was accurate. "Even if this is the same scene. This isn't a novel nor is it a movie. This is real life. So, how did that man come out from the solid floor? Or are my eyes deceiving me?" Still floating on the val
Veil of darkness.
Vincent, Brian, and Henry and his goons were immediately summoned to the principal's office. Mr Parker was unhappy, because of what he had witnessed. "How dare them fight inside the school premises!" He said to himself, feeling really upset. He had listened to their pointless explanations, without gaining a single clue to what they were insinuating. From his perspective, he felt that they were fooling him just to get away with what they had done. And he, who he was going to punish for the incident was..."Vincent, how dare you and Brian assault a fellow student. A senior for that matter. It seems like you two now feel like you're above the school's rules and regulations." Mr Parker promptly said. "But sir.." Henry wanted to speak, but he was quickly interrupted by their principal."No buts, Henry. You and your colleagues acted out of self defense. Brian assaulted you first. So now you may demise yourselves. Leave me to these troublesome two." He responded, referring to Vincent and
Massacre at the subway station.
At the wonder ville subway station, the train had just arrived, braking to a stop, as it erupted a rumbling sound to the atmosphere. People were already at standby, waiting for the doors of the train to open. And when it finally did, they waited for the passengers to get off, to make way out of the train, so they could board the train. As the doors of the train automatically opened, crimson liquid streamed from within the train, like a gushing waterfall, bathing the standbys in blood.Thud!An object fell to the floor of the train, rolling out of it towards a lady. "Aaahh!!" The lady screamed loudly, drawing everyone's attention to her. The people who had been so frustrated, after being soaked by the gushing red liquid, immediately looked towards where the lady was pointing out. "It's a human head!" Someone from within the crowd exclaimed, raising an alarm. "Aaahh!!""Aaahh!""Aaahh! Somebody help." A sudden outrageous scream erupted from the entire surrounding. Someone else had
The fight.
The next morning, Vincent woke before the sun rose. He did some pushups and situps, exercising his body. While under the act, his alarm clock rang, he quickly stopped exercising. An alarm that was meant to wake him up, now served as a reminder that he needed to freshen up. He walked into his bathroom to take his bath. Few minutes later, he walked out of his room, dressed in his school uniform, a white short sleeved shirt, dark blue trousers, dark blue tie, a pair of white shoes and a bag hung to his back. He gently walked down the stairs, heading to the dining table. As usual his mouth was dishing out the meal. They exchanged greetings, and he ate his breakfast. He hurriedly rushed down their building, assuming that his friends were outside, waiting for him. It was when he was outside, that he remembered that Jordan was still at the hospital. His face wore a saddened expression. He surveyed his surroundings, searching for Brian. But the latter was present. "That lazy bones isn't o
The two offers.
A blue car drove into the compound of the care foundation hospital. The vehicle reversed to park well at the parking lot. Both doors of the car swung open, as two individuals walked out of it. A man in his twenties, who was the driver of the car, and a teenage boy. The man was dressed in a blue turtleneck sweater, red trousers and a pair of blue sneakers, matching his attire. His hair was black and curly, and his eyes were gray. The boy was cladded on a black top shirt, green pants and a pair of red sneakers. His black spiky hair was charming, and his dazzling amber eyes radiated sunlight. They both were revealed to be Nathan Sean and Alexander Vincent. They had arrived at the hospital of which Jordan was admitted in. The hospital wasn't that big, it was only a five storey block. But Its compound expanded widely, housing at the right hand side, a lot for parking ambulance trucks, and the left hand side, as the public, free parking lot. Its surroundings were adorned with flowers
The guest.
Vincent's eyelids pathed open, the view that was reflected to his vision was of a hazy image. He blinked his eyes twice to adjust his retina to the brightness of his surroundings. "This is my room." Vincent spoke in a faint tune, noticing the familiarity of his surroundings. "But how did I get home?" He questioned himself, trying to put together what he could remember. "The last thing I could remember was feeling dizzy and blacking out. Aaahh! My head hurts." Vincent responded, he felt a slight ache. "It probably must be as a result of the fall. But how did I lose balance so easily? My body. It's heavy and aching. It must be from those bruises. Why can't I make out the full details of what happened."He struggled to sit-up, and it was a success after two trials. He held his head gently with both hands, bending his head to see if the memories would flow in. Eventually, he remembered all that had taken place yesterday. Ranging from the fight with Henry that bruised his entire body,
Shall now exorcize you.
The monster broke free from the grips of the earth, tearing the ground apart, which resulted in a shockwave that swept the entire surrounding, drastically sweeping obstacles off its radar. The monster floated in mid air, its body reformed itself, slowly, transmuting in the process. Its fur skin tore open, and a new entity came out from within it. This figure's skin was pitch black, it had a humanoid physique, its face was without a nose, and its eyes were crimson red as blood, its mouth was extremely wide, engraving a maniac smile that revealed its sharp teeths. It rotated its head thrice in a roll, in excitement, giving off a wicked mumbling laughter; "Hehehe!" Its mouth attempted to speak, but the words coming out from its mouth were inaudible, they were more like mere murmurs, unclear to the ordinary ear, it just felt as if it was giving off reverberating vibrating frequencies with its mouth. It descended forcefully to the ground on its feet, furtherly tearing the earth beneat
The devil curse, hand.
A man dressed in a black leather jacket, white trousers, and a pair of white shoes, walked into an environment, binded by police restriction labels, which were placed to restrict civilians from going into the area, for it was still under investigation. This location was the alleyway, where the murder had taken place. The young man, probably in his mid twenties, was examining the surroundings. His gray eyes, searching for any possible clues, in the environment. He could sense the evil aura emanating within the vicinity, but even with the leaking negative energies, he couldn't sense the malevolent entity. Sigh!He hissed a sigh of frustration, surely the being was toying with him. Not wanting to be seen. "Keep doing what you do best. Hiding. Just give me a minute to get my cigarette, I will be back before you even know it!" The man exclaimed, taking a turn and exiting the lonely alleyway.***Vincent, Jordan and Brian were heading to their respective houses. Usually, they walk home to
At the basketball court.
Vincent walked through the front porch of the senior high building. He had earlier on received a message from Sharon, asking him to meet her in the basketball court. At first he was nervous, all sorts of negative thoughts ran through his head, he even decided not to go, but felt that his judgment would be too harsh, and she might eventually hate him for it. He made the decision to go see her, and was certain that he could break free from any lust thought that came after that.He kept walking, encountering other students in the veranda, they too had sneaked out of class. Well this was his first time sneaking out during lessons, he sure hoped he wouldn't get into trouble. He finally arrived at the entrance of the basketball court, it was indoor, an extremely large hall room made to house both the audience's seats and the player's court. Stepping into the hall room his eyes locked up on Sharon, she sat atop the judges desk, awaiting him. He gently walked up to her."Hey!" Vincent waved