Everett, Washington D. C.

0916 hours

27th April.

Startled from his peaceful slumber, he was roused by the hushed symphony of voices drifting through the air. A gossamer beam of light pierced through the fortified window, casting a delicate glow upon the room.

Turning his gaze to his side, he beheld Clara, nestled against his chest, blissfully lost in the depths of sleep. The dawn had arrived, offering a respite from the chaotic events that had unfolded the previous day. Finding solace in this tranquil respite, he cherished the serene moments they shared.

But as the morning unfolded its delicate tapestry, a surge of curiosity tugged at him, beckoning him to explore the source of the sounds that reverberated from the living room. The enticing thrill of possibilities sparked within him, urging him to venture forth from the comfort of the plush bed.

Even within the confines of a secure safe house, he could not surrender his safety entirely to a so-called safe house or the presence of
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