Author: nadine leesa

The CEMETERY became quieter as the visitors began to leave. But there were only a few people who were still bowed down, staring at the grave in the distance. And this, including a girl surrounded by flowers in a white scarf. Ameera Husna was still sitting holding the tombstone. Sometimes the tears that still flow down the cheeks are wiped away.

While staring at the gravestone, she heard a whisper. Ameera kept looking up. Empty and the area is increasingly devoid of visitors. It is possible that those who stayed earlier have now returned to their respective places. It turned out that Ameera was the only one left. She bent down again and this time he plucked the grass from the edge of the brickwork angrily. The soft whisper repeated again this time right in the ear canal.

She wiped her watery eyes with fingers before looking up. It was difficult for her to interpret.

"Mommy?" Ameera asked in a feeling of doubt that was getting stronger in her chest. While the funeral was done in front of her eyes. She witnesses everything and saw the stiff body of the dead perfect with the shroud lowered into the grave, the grave she was facing.

"Mommy?" the question.

"Mama..." She exclaimed again. The woman wearing a white baju kurung and a thin scarf just smiled. Just standing upright among the clumps of yellow bamboo near the shady trees. The wind blows quite wildly causing the leaves to rustle and make a sound. Sometimes sounds a bit scary. The woman raised her hand. At first Ameera was horrified to think where she was, her heart and mind racing. Should he believe or not?

"Ameera, come here kid..." The mysterious woman didn't just wave her hand but called out. Ameera Husna finally got up and without folding the folding mat and Yassin's book she also left behind, Ameera stepped forward.

The king's bamboo grove with the grave of the dead is not too far away. Ameera tried to smile at the mysterious woman who was waving at her. Her face is exactly mom! “Child!” said a voice with a hand touching the shoulder. Ameera was surprised and immediately turned away.

Gravediggers. The grave digger shook his head quickly warning him not to go to the bamboo grove. But, why?

She wants to see mama, she wants to hug mama! "

"Kid... trust me that's not your mama. Do you even know where the ghost is now?" the question. His and Ameera Husna's eyes both turned towards the newly opened grave. Ameera swallowed and looked ahead. Empty, there was only the waving of yellow bamboo trees and the eerie sound of the evening breeze.

The gravedigger covered his hands with a towel before he patted the girl on the back with a few surahs. Ameera wakes up and no longer has the overwhelming fear. "

"Kid... come back. It's not good to have children anymore at this time. Insya Allah, you are sure that your mother's soul has forgiven you for a long time, son... come back," explained the grave digger and smiled. The hoe was lifted over the shoulder again and turned around to step back towards the hut.

Ameera also opened a step towards the road leading to the gate. Her car is in front there. The wind was once again blowing harshly. Bringing a melancholic rhythm in the lonely cemetery. The sharp red eyes of the pocong who were between the fig trees and the haze stared at the body of Ameera Husna who was already outside the gate.

"Greetings sister. What do i want to tell you... Don't be surprised, sister. Me are like sisters too. The grave digger who chatted with you earlier was just like 'them'..." She said and looked back at the grave area. There were 'many people' who were watching the two of them at that time. Again Ameera Husna swallowed before she asked the woman what she meant. And how could the woman know.

"Ya Allah! Have I 'seen them' again?" AMEERA HUSNA shuffled into the back seat through the driver's seat door. The woman who reprimanded her earlier, is long gone.

The sky is getting red. The wind blew her hair up again, cold mixed with fear. Not to mention when the ears hear foreign sounds. There is like a whisper no less than a whistle. Impact of foliage and weed collision.

"Where did she go?" Ameera grumbled to herself when the house key went missing. The dashboard clock is changing numbers faster and faster. Satisfied, he flipped the seat cushions, also missing. There is no bottom until the foot kicks something.

Ameera looked down, then she took her body out of the car and then looked down on the asphalt road. Narrowing her eyes, she had to reach into her pocket and put glasses back on face. Wrinkled lips watching the asphalt and the rim of the car tires. Suddenly her eyes saw something with a sparkling silver color. Its position is right under the car.

"Oh, I'm so lazy I want to lie down. The road is wet..." lamented while looking up at the darkening sky. The gray gemawan also marched as a sign of wanting rain again. The wind is blowing rough again. The trees in the cemetery area as well as the parking lot are also already dancing. That sounds too! It feels scary!

Ameera squats despite being clothed. Before that, she also had time to look around. She is the only one who has the fate of that area. Smiling before she bent down to peer under the car. The body wrapped in white cloth, tied tightly from top to bottom, was rolling its own body closer to a car. The roll speeds up when it's close. Crawled under the white car.

Awww... Awww... "

"Hey dog... don't bark at times like this," Ameera Husna muttered and straightened her body again. Roll your eyes and look around. The twilight made him want to go home faster and he continued to lie down.

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