Chapter 7

Rafael continued steadily Alex with a smile that continued to appear on the corners of his lips.

"I feel proud of you, Alex."

"Thank you so much, Dad. I will prove all my words just now and later I will make Mom and Dad feel proud of me."

"Oh, yes. Then take this." Rafael began to take a small box from his pocket and give it to Alex.

"What is this, Dad?" asked Alex curiously.

"Open it! And you will see the contents inside."

With curiosity, Alex began to open the wooden box. A brownish-colored box that looks old, but still looks strong and elegant.

Slowly after the wooden box opened, there was a very bright flash of light from inside. A flash of light that was so dazzling that it made Alex close his eyes in an instant.

After the light began to dissipate Alex began to open both eyes and look at the contents inside the wooden box until it emitted a very bright light.

Inside the wooden box, there is a black pendant necklace. A stone is pitch black, but it looks very beautiful.

"Is this necklace right for me, Dad?" asked Alex in disbelief. Because for Alex personally, this is the first time he has received something from others like this.

"Yes, Alex. This is for you. This necklace is a relic of our ancestors. This necklace will be passed on to every generation that exists. There are so many secrets in the necklace. However, for a long time, no generation has known the secret behind the black necklace. All Dad knows is that the necklace is indeed very valuable and very great."

Alex did not expect that such a precious thing Rafael would give to him at this time. Where at this time he was still a very weak boy.

"Why did Dad give this necklace to me now? Isn't Dad able to see for himself how weak I am at the moment? Do I deserve this necklace, Dad?" asked Alex uncertainly.

Rafael smiled and moved closer to Alex. On his shoulders the son.

"You deserve this necklace, Alex. Because you also inherited the blood of the Zhitze family. Your great-grandfather, your grandfather, and your Dad have not been able to solve the mystery inside this necklace. And Dad hopes that in the future you will be the one who will be able to solve the mystery of this necklace left by the ancestors. I don't know why Dad has confidence that you can do it, Alex."

Rafael does have high hopes for his favorite son. What's more, Alex is the only descendant Rafael and Rossa currently have. So for Rafael himself, Alex's figure is everything to him.

Alex looked at Rafael with a big question mark. And afterward, Alex also stared intently at the necklace in the wooden box. There was a feeling of doubt in Alex's little heart at this time. He felt that he did not deserve this very valuable item because Alex felt that Alex was not the real Alex Zhitze Wolve figure.

'Do I deserve this stuff?' Alex's inner thoughts are uneasy.

"Well then keep the necklace well. I'm sure you'll be able to do it, Alex," Rafael said back.

After that Rafael went straight out of Alex's room. After Rafael's death, Alex kept staring at the necklace in the wooden box. A black pendant necklace that is very beautiful. With some hesitation, Alex began to touch the necklace and take it from the box.

"What mystery is in this necklace? Will this necklace be willing to open up its hidden mystery to me? I felt unworthy of this necklace. But I also couldn't keep resisting when Dad said that I had to keep this necklace okay."

Alex continued to stare at the necklace. Suddenly a breeze began to blow around Alex's body. For some reason, Alex felt a hidden force was indeed stored in the necklace. What a black necklace that is very mysterious.

"I can feel a little bit that this necklace does have very great power. Black necklace, now I am the one who will keep you. Hopefully, in the future I can take good care of you like what my family did before to you," Alex said to the black necklace in his hand.

After that, Alex immediately put the black necklace back in the wooden box where it was originally located. And placed it in the drawer of the desk that was in his room.

Alex began to close his eyes and then fell asleep.


A few days later.

"Alex, are you ready to return to Ronza Wolve Academy today? Don't you want to rest longer at home?" asked Rossa uneasily.

"It's okay, mom. I'm going back to Ronza Wolve Academy today. And I'll be back home later in the week. Mom doesn't have to worry about it and just wait for my return later."

"Mom will miss you, Alex," Rossa said sadly.

"Then are you ready to go now, Alex? Dad will take you to Ronza Wolve Academy now," Rafael said.

"I'm ready, Dad."

Alex started to get up and move closer to Rafael. Rafael was about to use teleportation magic so that it could make it easier for the two to arrive on time at Ronza Wolve's magic academy.

"Alright then we'll set off now," Rafael exclaimed to Alex.

"I'll go, Ma'am," Alex said goodbye to Rossa.

"Wait!" Rossa began to shout to stop Rafael from using the teleportation magic.

"What's wrong, Honey?" asked Rafael to Rossa.

"I still want to be with my son first. Can you let me talk to Alex for a while, Honey?" snapped Rossa.

"Yes, of course," Rafael replied.

"Come on Alex. Come with Mom for a while. I have something Mom wants to say to you, Alex."

Rossa began to hold Alex's hand and asked him away. Rossa kept holding Alex and took him towards Rossa's room.

"What's wrong, Mom?" asked Alex when he was already in his parents' room.

"Wait a minute Alex."

Rossa started walking in the direction of the cabinet and took a wooden box from it. And then gave the wooden box to Alex.

"Wear this baby. Mom hopes this will protect you later."

"What is this, ma'am?" asked Alex curiously at the item Rossa had given.

"Just open that box Alex and you'll find out what's in that box."

Alex began to open the wooden box. And on the look, there is a silver ring with a dragon carved inside.

"What a beautiful ring, ma'am," Alex said astounded as Alex looked at the ring that did look very beautiful with a dragon shape in his carving.

"Put on the ring, Alex."

"It seems that this ring is still very oversized if I wear it now, mom," Alex said doubtfully.

At this time Alex could see that the size of the ring was supposed to be worn by an adult. Considering her little finger, which will be loose when wearing the ring given by Rossa.

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