Home / Sci-Fi / THE GREEN GIRL / Old histories
Old histories
Author: Roy
last update2024-11-22 15:58:47

Ben sat chained to a small chair as he vision cleared, he could see that he was inside what looked like a warehouse, in one corner he could see a large row of crates, and in another two large canisters filled with gas, “where the Hell I am?” He said out loud to himself as he tried to struggle out of the chair, “I wouldn’t do that if I was you as you might hurt yourself?” A soft voice said, Ben’s eyes widen for as soon as he heard the voice he had felt a familiar presents, he turned his head slightly to his left and caught a glimpse of a tall figure standing in front of an open door, “Craig Chung?” He said out loud as he watched the Mega Human entering the room.

Craig was a sight to behold, he was much taller than Ben well over six foot, he wore a black suit, his head was shaved and his eyes glowed blue-white, “it’s been a long time hasn’t it Ben?” He said as he came close to the chair, “far too long then I wish to remember Craig,” Craig looked at him and smiled, “I am glad that you remember me,” he said in a mix of a Chinese and British accent, “please, call me Surge as Craig was my human name.” Craig circled around the chair, “I am glad that we came to Washington Ben by now you know of my plans don’t you?”

 He stopped and turned his head to face the other Mega human, Ben looked up at him, “yes, I know that you plan to turn people into Mega humans, what for I cannot guess?” At this Craig smiled, “for war and revenge my friend!” He cried, “you mean because of what happen to you and your family?” Came Bens cold answer.

 Craig stopped and looked at him, “not just because of what happened to them my friend, but because of what is happing to all Mega humans around the globe!” He then moved away from Ben walking toward one of the locked crates, as he got nearer he aimed his hand at the lock, there was a flash of lightening followed by a shower of sparks as the padlock melted Craig moved his hand and opened it, he then pulled out what looked like a large siring, “we were used Ben by not only the military but our own government.” 

He turned and looked at his friend, “that is what all Mega humans are facing now, surely you have felt their pain?” Ben didn’t say anything back as he saw Chung walking towards him the siring still was in his hand, “Dr Young and the governments of this world have a lot to answer for Ben and not just to you or I,” he then walked around the back of the chair where Bens hand were tied, “what do you mean Craig?” Ben asked as he felt the ropes being cut, “oh, remember that second dose of serum that witch injected you with? Well it had a fail safe,” “a fail safe?! What do you mean?” 

Ben snapped as he stood up and walked towards Chung, “easy there, my friend there’s no reason to snap at me now is there?” Craig said as he held out his palm out if in front of Ben, he then turned his head towards the door as if he expecting someone else, to walk on in, he then quickly turned his head back towards Ben, “now, as I was saying about that serum Ben it had a compound in it that increases a Mega humans power,” he then walked up to the other Mega human and gently laid one of his hands onto his shoulders, “tell me have you felt a difference?”

 Ben gave him an odd look as he gently pulled his hand away, “no, why should I have?” Craig gave him a sad look, “but, your power has increased hasn’t it?” He asked, “what has that got to do with anything Craig?” Ben snapped, “everything my friend you see when you were injected that serum increased your power but over time it will age you!” Ben didn’t say anything back to this, as he was in shock at what he had heard, “age me?” He asked, “get off as Mega human have a slow aging process to humans don’t they?” Craig gave him a slight smile, “not with that serum in your system my friend as that was Dr Young’s plan to inject all Mega humans with it!” 

There was a harshness in Craig’s voice as he said this, Ben stood and look at him in shock, “how, how do you know of this?” He asked as he felt his hands trembling, “also, how long do I have?” Craig walked up to him and gave him a friend smile, “who can say Ben?” He said in a warm voice, “as for my information well I have learnt this for the creator of the serum themselves,” “Young?!” Ben asked as he gritted his teeth, “no, Young’s predecessor, I will take you to him if you would like?” Ben didn’t trust Craig, but as he scanned his mind he knew that his former friend was telling the truth, “very well, Surge,” he said as he slowly walked up to him, “please, lead the way.” 

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