Home / Sci-Fi / THE GREEN GIRL /  Six Rachel’s awakening
 Six Rachel’s awakening

Ben was in a small room near him was a bed inside lying fast asleep was Rachel her blonde hair was matted with blood both of her eyes were black as if she had been hit? There was a nasty looking deep cut on the side of her head, Ben thought about the last time both himself, Stacey Rachel and Peter had spoken now thanks to the efforts of the Faithful Peter was dead as he looked at her he knew in his heart that she wasn’t dead it was unlike her. Ben sat back into the chair that he was sitting on hoping to go deep into her mind before he did this however he felt something stirring within her, as he looked at her he noticed something her blue eyes flicked open, he smiled as she turned her head towards him, “Ben?”

She asked in a puzzled voice, “where am I? God I am?” Ben leaned over, “dead? No, Rachel you’re alive thanks to the efforts of the Black watch!” His tone was happy, as he leaned over her she grabbed hold of his wrist, “there is some much that I need to tell you Ben as you and St
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