After meeting Lucy, Adam returned to his small house on the outskirts of Reed near the Barbaros River. The housing where he lived could be considered remote and far from luxurious. Most of the residents there were retired war veterans and teachers with low pension funds.

Adam chose to live here since he was expelled from the McLauren family a month after his marriage. Fortunately, Anna had a little money saved from her late grandfather. So, they could open a store and pay off this house in installments.

The cost of living in this city is not cheap, sometimes when the store is quiet, Adam cannot pay the house installments. They were almost evicted some time ago, but fortunately, someone was willing to lend them money.

Now Adam doesn't have to worry about the house installments and his and Anna's livelihood. He can easily pay off the house with the money given by his aunt. Or maybe, he can buy more than that. Why not? He has a lot of money now.

As Adam entered, he saw his wife cooking l
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