The soldiers who were chasing after Harry and Darius from behind, suddenly saw them being tied up by another group of soldiers.

"What is this about?" The Commander of the first group who were chasing after Harry and Darius from behind asked.

While the other commander suddenly stopped and turns to him.

"What does it look like we're doing Creed?" The chief commander asked and continues. "We found the princess and we're taking her back to Avalon."

"That's not happening Mac." Creed said. "We found the princess first and it is our duty to get them back to Avalon." Creed argued

"And where is your proof?" Mac asked but Creed was speechless.

"Why are you so speechless Creed?" Mac asked and continues. "Oh right you have no proof."

"We are the ones to deliver the princess back to Avalon Mac." Creed said and continues. "You need to hand her over."

"Are they quarreling over us or something?" Harry said asking the Darius.

"Who cares Harry, we need to get out of here." Darius replied and continues
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