Immediately the king got outside, he saw her daughter right in front of him.

"Father!" Princess Freya called.

Immediately, King Brandon rushed towards his daughter and hugging her. he couldn't believe that he would see his daughter again.

"Oh my goodness Freya, I thought I lost you." King Brandon said to his daughter.

"I'm fine father." Princess Freya replied.

Suddenly, Brandon's eyes turns towards Harry.

"You!" King Brandon said angrily.

"Father, I need to tell you something." Princess Freya said to her father. But King Brandon wasn't paying a single attention to his daughter while looking at Harry angrily.

"Your Majesty, I..." Harry tried to speak.

"Guards!!!" King Brandon called angrily while soldiers rushed out of nowhere surrounding Harry and Darius.

"Seize them." King Brandon orders.

"Father please you have to listen to me." Princess Freya pleaded and continues. "You don't have to do this, I can explain."

"Take them to the dungeon immediately." King Brandon orders angrily and co
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