"It's late Lane, I need to get some rest." King Brandon said and continues. "Whatever it is you have to say will have to wait till tomorrow."

"But your Majesty, I'm only here to talk about the prisoners." Lane said.

"What about them?" King Brandon asked.

Suddenly the warning bells began ringing loudly.

"What's going on?" King Brandon asked and continues. "Are we under attack again?"

"I don't know your Majesty." Lane replied.

"Hurry up and check it out Lane, if those prisoners are the reason why my kingdom is been attacked by monsters, I would have them executed immediately."

"Yes your Majesty." Lane replied and wanting to leave the palace while suddenly a soldier rushed in to report something.

"Your Majesty." He called and bows to the king.

"What is it?" King Brandon asked.

"The prisoners have escaped." He replied.

"What!!!" King Brandon exclaimed.

"They bursted themselves out, I've never seen anything like it." The soldier said.

"You fool." King Brandon said angrily and continues.
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