"I need to find my father." Princess Freya said.

"No my princess." Lane said and continues. "I ordered some of our men to find him."

"No." Princess Freya said sadly as she was been taken away.


"It seems I underestimated you, Harry." Atticus said taking out the sword which Brandon had used on him and suddenly threw it towards Harry, but Harry controlled the sword stopping it with his eyes.

"Hmm, a mortal like you with such power." Atticus said while Harry was stood up quickly.

"We can work together Harry." King Atticus said and continues. "We can rule the world together if only you join me."

"Never." Harry replied and angrily raised Atticus into the air hitting him against one of the trees around.

"I don't feel any pain Harry." King Atticus said and continues. "We can do this all day and one of us is going to get tired eventually, mortal."

"You're the one who is going to get tired Atticus." Harry said as they began battling each other using their magical powers.


"Leon!" D
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