Kristen immediately twisted Aridan's arms, sending a vicious kick to his belly.

He floated midair before setting down on his feet.

“I have been handling you with kid gloves like the baby you are, but you mistook my gentility for weakness. If the cobra doesn't bare its fangs, little children will mistake it for a rope and use it to tie their firewood. You little piece of shit, don't dare me, or I will leave your corpse for Alex before leaving,” she roared angrily, staring at them.

“Kristen, we were settling this amicably, there was no need to get physical. What's wrong with you? Why are you making a mountain out of a molehill? You're the elder here, what's wrong with indulging him a bit?” Ikaris asked impatiently.

“Did he consider the fact that I was his elder before humiliating me? Stop taking sides and playing favorites, it doesn't suit you!” She roared angrily, kicking Ikaris.

Ikaris immediately blocked it with his palms, her pointed stilettos leaving an imprint on his palm.

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