Alex sat before the beach attached to their base 1 villa, sipping a glass of tequila, mixed with a special brew of wine made by Alex.

After he became a high ranked cultivator, normal wines couldn't get him drunk, even if he drank a full tank. To remedy that, he brewed a special batch of exotic wine for himself and some of his men, made with rare ingredients like ten thousand years old herbs and Immortal fruits. The red dragon fruit and spirit grapes which were the main ingredients of the wine were both a hundred thousand years old; Alex had found it in a lost ancient underground city while exploring a Chinese emperor's tomb, when Anacondas began to mysteriously appear in the surrounding cities.

Alex had gone there to combat the threat and inadvertently found himself in another world below the city. They claimed it belonged to a conceited greater Qing dynasty emperor who created another city below the capital for his burial, as his designated final resting place.

Alex had come back wit
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