Alex sat before the lake, slowly helping himself to the canned food in his backpack.

He sighed, checking his wounds, which were not healing as fast as he wanted it to.

He dressed the wound and wrapped it with waterproof gauze, and wore a waterproof bodysuit, staring at the lake before him.

“The density of that murky water is really high, gun and bullets will be useless inside it. It's back to the primitive way in this case,” he muttered, equipping himself with special goggles and a mask.

He looked at the crocodiles through his telescope, noticing that most of them had one eye closed.

“Are they about to take a nap?” Alex whispered excitedly, trying to pinpoint the particular location of the herb he was looking for.

He quietly crept to the edge of the lake closest to it and waited till the surrounding crocodiles fell asleep.

Alex slowly dipped himself inside the water, trying to be as quiet as possible to avoid waking them up.

He began the torturous dive through the smelly water, while
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