The Man in the Mask himself found himself in a spiral of difficult questions. Does the King need a Queen after a complete and unconditional victory in the last chess game? As it turns out, more is needed. Which for the pragmatic part of his essence seemed strange. When the enemies stopped brightening up the dullness of loneliness, Alice's halo of "usefulness" almost completely melted away. And now that the Mask had no plans left for her, the Man's attitude towards the fragile little witch became even more reverent. As soon as all plans to conquer the city and eliminate the last coven were completed, the temporarily suppressed desire for the constant closeness of the Foxes returned. The fistula called "loneliness" did not poison his existence only with the full presence of his beast in his life. Her presence nearby, when only the body is close, and the soul is hidden in darkness, forced him to make a decision that was unexpected for him.

The sun began to move towards the horizon when a
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