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Another nightmare hit like a suffocating wave. Another escape, another whisper that calls his name, trapped again. However, this is not the case now. This time, Alex knows that the Oni are after him , that after Zoey's death, he is next and there is nowhere to run. He is in a trap. There is no way out of the city. There is no way out of nightmares. There is no escape from Them."When the Dark finds you. You will meet Us alone!” - this time he feels their words, as if burned somewhere inside, on the subcortex. He tries to run faster, but how to run from Them if even his mind cannot find the answer to the question “what did I see?”The whisper drives him like an animal into a trap, and envelops him with paralyzing horror. Getting close. Soon…Alex, wake up! An icy hand shakes his shoulder, the other covers his mouth.Brantford area. Night. Fog spreads along the roads. It lies across the road. Nearby, on his knees, Fox tries to push him.- Come on, get up, quick! the girl hissed. “We sti
- What fight? We have lost all our battles! the girl snorted. - After they appeared on our way , our life ended. Now you can choose: either the fate of being devoured by the monsters of the city, or wait for the Oni to get to you and repeat the fate of Zoe, but you can also let it all go and live the happy life of the librarian Thomas. It doesn’t pull too much for a happy ending, but it’s quite tolerable! Better than my current life, and I just wasn't given a choice!Alex wanted to apologize and promise that when he returned to the library, he would do everything as Fox said, but did not say anything. I didn't want to lie to my friend. Even realizing that he was going against common sense, he simply could not force himself to give up. Zoey was in front of her eyes, and anger bubbled in her soul. I wanted justice, I wanted retribution, but most of all I wanted to return everything back, so that there would be no nightmares, incomprehensible demons, mysterious cities. Only their crazy F
He decided to find a childhood friend, and at least incognito, but have time to tell him a couple of warm words. The movie theater was close to the border between the city center and the park area that separates it from the area where, according to Lis, they make the most delicious cupcakes. Despite the relative distance, he reached the cinema in less than an hour. The location of the cinema far from the main streets gave hope that Charlie would never even accidentally see the Circus Troupe and would not be at the mercy of the Man in the Mask. Finding a best friend turned out to be a difficult task, since it was too dangerous to openly ask everyone you met about him. And the assistant projectionist himself was in no hurry to show himself to all the visitors of the cinema. “A very important worker, but so inconspicuous!” Alex sighed as he walked past the doors marked "Staff Only" in the hope that luck would smile on him and for some reason a friend would show up in the common hallway.
His right hand began to tremble, a wave of numbness, already familiar in recent days, went through his fingers. They are close, and this time it will be in earnest. But something happened in the cave. Previously silent, it was filled with an incomprehensible echo, devoid of a source. It was something between the rumble, whisper and creak of shells rubbing against each other in the surf. Their approach was impossible to confuse with anything. The wave of animal horror completely paralyzed the body, making it impossible to run or call for help. His right arm was twisted with a spasm and tightly nailed to his chest. The legs stopped holding the body, which already seemed to have partially stiffened in advance, and Alex fell to his knees. They were getting closer. Slowly, as if stretching out the moment of his triumph, while the uncomplaining victim marinated in his own fear. A little closer, and Alex's thoughts fled cowardly, leaving only a sticky panicky fog in his head, in which he sa
I remember our family calling us the "Mad Four". I remember our serene days. Yes, we did not create anything reasonable, good or eternal, but, on the other hand, we never harmed anyone. Every day in this Cursed City, I ask myself: what terrible thing have we done to deserve such a punishment? Is naivety so severely punished now? Or are we just unlucky? Wrong time, wrong place?At first I felt how They were sneaking somewhere invisibly, approaching my mind from within. How they test us for strength, study them, in order to then poison us with fear, enjoying its taste in our minds. I thought it was the worst.Later, I saw the dead face of my best friend lying on the stones of Istanbul. It was imprinted in my memory like a red-hot brand. It felt like part of my heart had been torn out of my chest. I was sure that I would not experience more grief.Already in the City itself, Ghoul's five razor-sharp claws ripped open my right side, only miraculously not touching the internal organs. Blee
Incredibly tall, broad-shouldered, eclipsing the horizon, the road to salvation in the Shop and even part of the thought process for his own salvation with his mysterious figure in dark Victorian clothes. A white mask with red and black patterns turned the Man into a living statue, raising doubts about his "humanity". Only a mane of real light blond hair, majestically lying on his shoulders, hot living hands and burning through gray-blue barite eyes that even the Mask could not hide, forced to believe that the Man was alive.Frozen in place, the Fox could only look at the Director of the Circus with a frightened doe, while the crowd of people and circus performers, not noticing anything, walked past them, willy-nilly forcing them to move towards the Circus. Time seemed to stand still, and only a light night breeze cooled cheeks wet with tears, sobering and reminding of the need to do at least something.“If I stay so meekly standing, he will take me to his Circus, put a mask on my fac
She smiled approvingly and, during breakfast, briefly introduced me to the products of the shop, promising that evening tea would correct all misunderstandings, and the old life would become a terrible dream on the way to a new carefree life. I was too crushed by the troubles that fell on our heads, I barely felt alive, I did not have the strength to doubt the words of a kind woman. I nodded and believed that everything would be as she says.The day passed quietly. Later I noted that all Saturdays are calm. People come for the usual teas, ointments and creams. There are not very many clients, there is time to relax, and from lunch until almost the evening - to take a calm nap.Claudia rushed to the closing, disheveled and angry, like an owl on the hunt. The sight of her added a few more coins to my panic bank, but she quickly regained her composure, smiling sweetly and patting my cheek as if I were her great-niece, and announced:“I’ll make tea for you, it will be stronger and taste c
The first night passed without dreams, but the morning did not bring the desired oblivion: I continued to remember everything, Claudia continued to tear her hair out. The first blue flask fell into my hands. The first of many. Drives them away from me, dulls emotions. Less tears, more rational approach to the problem.On the second day, I found Alex, found out that his new name was Thomas, got a reader card in the library under the name Hope, and took the volume of Lewis Carroll with me. As the day wore on, I managed to explore the city center and, so that Claudia would not see, I walked almost to the very Circus Tents. In daylight, the Circus did not seem infernal or satanic. Ordinary tents.Third morning. Still me. Claudia offered to replace her at the Lavka for a day's pay, and she would select the right composition of tea for me. From hopelessness and lack of alternatives, I agreed. At breakfast, I listened attentively to the tea course of the young soldier. During the day, the Te
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Over the years, I have long understood that the provision of choice is only a play of his own composition. Man really likes the behavior of his toys in those moments when they think that they still have freedom, but in fact he has been pulling all the strings for a long time. Everything will be just the way he wants. And these "certain conditions" will be fulfilled by me regardless of what I say or do.- The very first thing - together forever, my dear! A blanket falls off my shoulders. His cloak flies to the floor.- Easy! I smile, straightening the buttons on my vest.- And the second, - his hand, bypassing pajamas, moves along the spine, causing pleasant goosebumps, - to the King and Queen ...- Oh no!" ...should..."- No, no, no!- ...to be husband and wife!- Somehow without me! - I try to get out, does not allow.Several years have passed since Kenny's opaque hint, and each time this intriguer, in any case, specified the nearest date of that very day. Over time, Man began to th
For a month, Lis loaded herself with work and new projects so that the breaks between activities were only for sleep. She even preferred to eat food on the go, which could not but worry her friends. But it was easier that way. She did not ignore the support of her brother and the company, and almost every November evening she called to her gatherings with or without an overnight stay. It was more difficult with the nightmares, which instantly returned without the Man. Bypassing the subsequent revival in Brantford, but just as disgustingly detailed. Nights without their King literally became torture.- Would you like to visit me today? - suggested the Fox, locking the doors, although the very idea that someone would break into her cafe in her City caused hysterical laughter.“Actually, we wanted to invite everyone to our place today, Kenny will again liberate modest Wendy,” Trisha smiled, “but if you yearn for the Man, then we can organize gatherings with you!”“I miss you madly,” the
"Month of the Unknown. What if another Four comes along and challenges him and destroys him? Or will the old one gather and, shaking her gray hair, avenge her ruined lives? Or will he find himself another young sweetheart? – the last thought harassed more than others.She had no doubts about the ability of her King to foresee all possible outcomes and become invulnerable for a month with full replenishment from the Circus. As well as how greedy for his mysterious image of girls of all possible ages. And if she could tolerate the townspeople, realizing that they were of little interest to the Man, and if they wished, they would simply go to dinner for the ghouls, then the events of Saintfor ...“All his women are from this Devil City, come to think of it. Even me! she thought displeasedly, looking through the audience from behind the scenes, in search of a potential weirdo with whom the Circus would go on tour completely full. - Devil! Am I like Persephone? Will I strangle any one for
The door bell chimed cheerfully, letting in strangers.– Welcome to Nightingale City! Lis smiled.The city whispered to the girl behind the counter that the customers weren't local. But no hint was needed. It was enough to see their faces. All new people have anxiety, loss and hopelessness in their eyes. Like all guests of the city, they are confused by how exactly they ended up at the doors of the themed cafe. But they couldn't get in. The one who can is not yet born. The trinity of young people is slightly older than Alice herself.– We are glad to welcome guests of the city in our cafe “Alice in the Land of Teas¹”!She politely invited those who entered to sit down at the bar counter, into which the counter passed.Let me offer you tea. For guests of the city, absolutely free! – warning their refusal, she added.“Thank you,” one of them said in a trembling voice, “Miss…- In our small state, you can call me Alice! she winked with a smile on duty as she prepared welcome tea for them
The man sincerely grinned, gently unhooked the pale girlish fingers, dragging Lis forward to hug her from behind. Feeling the familiar warmth in her shoulder blades, enveloping her with a mute promise of protection, she closed her eyes in bliss.- Unusual. Very nice variety!Today the townspeople have outdone themselves! In a good way! she chuckled. – I think this day has become a pleasant change for everyone!“And for you, my singing queen?”“You have hearing like a bat?” she wondered, adding, “Kenny and his brother decided to have a therapy session to get rid of their sad thoughts through public humiliation. By the way, effective, although I could do without it. Holidays are great medicine in and of themselves. And I prefer to sing only to a narrow circle of the elite." Chosen, you mean? - Alice's words thrown as an excuse for timidity were very flattering.Will life be much more boring now? the girl asked, smiling when a scarlet maple leaf fell on her face in a gust of night wind.
Before the eyes of Alice, who was rapidly blushing with embarrassment, everyone who heard Andy's loud announcement, as well as everyone who knew one of them, pulled up to the small stage. Friends with hyenas' hysterical laughter pushed the girl onto the stage, taking away her bag and broom. The band members, meanwhile, descended from the stage, took large lanterns and, for the effect of bright spotlights, began to illuminate the girl from large spotlights.“Brother,” Lis sang with a wide smile of shock, “I hate you!” I'll go down from the stage - I'll kill!“Relax, Kiki,” Kenny winked at her, “consider it part of therapy. We treat despondency with public disgrace!- That's not how it works! - hissed the girl, getting a guitar in her hands. Correcting the instrument, she timidly turned to the crowd, expecting either a song from her, or ... she didn’t even want to think about the second. - Okay, hello people! You know, in my memory - this is the best holiday in our city! I'm right?The
- Why is Robin Hood not included in the support group? Andy asked, looking to ensure that the preparations were going at the right pace, but a boot flying in his direction made the guys step back from the tent one more step.- Don't peek! - the girls printed their will in unison.All three voices were clearly heard in the angry trill.– Because he performs the most important mission – guarding the entrance to the territory of the Circus! Pirate Roberts grunted, brushing off the broomstick.- And if there are no jokes?- If no joke, then with all his inclinations towards your sister, multiplied by his pathological inability to keep his mouth closed and his hands to himself ... think for yourself! Kenny answered in the tone of a mentor explaining something obvious. - Here they will pull out his arms and legs and change places, and deservedly so, and I will also assist!Three girls emerged from the tent. Sarah in a classic ghost costume and Trisha in the image of Rose Cotton paired with
The Man in the Mask himself found himself in a spiral of difficult questions. Does the King need a Queen after a complete and unconditional victory in the last chess game? As it turns out, more is needed. Which for the pragmatic part of his essence seemed strange. When the enemies stopped brightening up the dullness of loneliness, Alice's halo of "usefulness" almost completely melted away. And now that the Mask had no plans left for her, the Man's attitude towards the fragile little witch became even more reverent. As soon as all plans to conquer the city and eliminate the last coven were completed, the temporarily suppressed desire for the constant closeness of the Foxes returned. The fistula called "loneliness" did not poison his existence only with the full presence of his beast in his life. Her presence nearby, when only the body is close, and the soul is hidden in darkness, forced him to make a decision that was unexpected for him.The sun began to move towards the horizon when a
The morning of the last day of October, almost until breakfast, Lis spent in tears. The whole "raw period" Man did not leave her a single step. As in the case of her exhaustion after the first merger with the City, he could not influence the girl. All that was left was to watch helplessly. In the end, poured into the girl by hook or by crook, a transparent liquid with a cloyingly sweet and sour taste managed to stop the endless stream of tears. However, this author's sedative lasted only a couple of hours.Upon awakening, she wanted only one thing - to fall into a dream and not wake up for at least a week. However, the dream waved its tail and left the Fox, gloatingly endowing her consciousness with crystal vigor, with which it became impossible even to doze off. It was comforting that the tears had ended, and clarity appeared in my thoughts, albeit a sad one. Under the soothing roar of the Human's heart, she opened her eyes. Feeling the weightless movements of his fingers on her shou