Chapter 9

Scott wants to dash to the nearby building at the

thought that they are about to locate His people.Because His stomach is already making its presence known once more, if He is lucky, they will also have some food.

They get to the house, but Noah turns to the others and says, "I know the chief," before he knocks.Let's talk!He tries to use the doorbell, but the button doesn't make any noise.

The door swings open before he can knock, and the night is filled with voices.AnotHis elf is positioned by the door.Hiss has brown hair with white streaks, in contrast to Astrid's cream-colored hair.He wears it back in a pigtail that completely covers His triangular ears.Aside from that, He is smaller than Astrid, has darker skin, and has the same piercing yellow eyes.They focus first on Scott.

His gaze is sharp as a laser, despite the woman's friendly expression.Scott wonders if his appearance is any less threatening.

The elf's attention quickly shifts to Noah, who has just taken out his badge.

"Could we speak with Hisiff Winkler?"He asks.

He quickly beckons them in rather than responding.The door closes as soon as they enter.

The only thing keeping the hallway from becoming completely pitch-black is the flickering orange light spilling from what appears to be the living room.Even though there are no people in the hallway itself, the sound of voices coming from the kitchen and living room indicate that there are many more.

"Officer Turner, evening.The elf clenches his teeth and says, "You are talking to... Hi."

“You... You are Hisiff Winkler...?” Noah's eyes widen.I mean, apologies.

"It's good to see another cop," the elf says as he looks down at him.There are approximately thirty people here.What is going on in town?

"I'm not sure.He makes a brief pause before adding, "A monster ripped him apart," adding, "Elsa and I were on patrol during the event."

The elf gives a nod.Damn... that's bad news," he gruffly declares.He takes a moment to pause before asking, "Who are they?"nodding in response to Noah's group.

He looks at the three of them and says, "That's Astrid, Lukas, and Julia."We met on the way, Hise.

The Hisiff then looks at them and says,Good.We've set up a ledger in the kitchen in case you're looking for a family member you don't recognize.He will tell you if anyone is looking for you if you just tell my wife your name and who you're looking for.Everyone is stunned.Nobody is aware of the situation, and there is even one imp who speaks a strange foreign language that is unlike anything I have ever heard.

Scott observes that the expression "my wife" almost appeared to be causing him physical pain.However, he wonders why.

What do you mean, Noah inquires?Like an alien language or a foreign language?

"I'm not sure.In any case, we need to worry about more important things."Come with me upstairs.Noah is commanded by Hisiff Winkler.

Scott rushes into the kitchen while Noah and the Hisiff make their way up the stairs to the first floor.Ideally, His siblings and parents are also His.

A few people are in the kitchen at the moment.He spots the woman that Scott thinks is the Hisiff's wife;a woman who is slightly overweight and is seated behind a table in a chair.He appears to be in his late 50s or early 60s.Quite a while older than the Hisiff, but maybe elves don't age, or maybe the Hisiff just has a younger body.The Sheriff's wife also appears to be extremely irritable.Scott assumes that a pad of paper with the names of everyone Hise is lying in front of His.

Scott comes closer, and the woman looks up.Scott quickly responds, "I'm ScottTurm," before He can continue.I'm looking for my brothers, Tyrion and Kilian Turm, as well as my parents, Delila and Frank Turm.

After giving a nod, the woman turns a page on the book in front of His.While quietly repeating Astrid's last name, he uses his finger to move down the list.He returns his gaze after a brief pause and responds, "Sorry, but I don't have anyone with that last name."But I'll write you down.Perhaps your parents will accompany you later.

Astrid feels her shoulders drop."Thank you," he thanks the woman.Scott thinks, "Of course it couldn't be that easy," as he turns to head for the living room.It's not like this situation is already bad enough.I could not simply locate everyone Hise.'

As He enters the large living room, he is distracted from his dark thoughts.Every available seat is illuminated by an orange glow emanating from a wall fireplace.The enormous shape that occupies a portion of the room is the first thing that catches His attention.

The massive man is seated with his back to the wall.His head is almost touching the ceiling despite the fact that he is sitting.Scott wonders how he managed to fit through the door given his massive size.

His body proportions are slightly off.His legs, in particular, appear to be too thick for the rest of him.Fur covers the majority of his body, and he has two horns on his head and a large blanket covering his private parts.Every few seconds, he lets out a deep moan as his hefty face is contorted into a grimace.Scott would not even be aware that he was crying if it weren't for the woman who was comforting him.

A small man approaching him diverts his attention from the giant.He is exactly the same size as Noah, but his fur is a little bit more vibrant and striped.Scott can't read his furry face, but he looks dead serious as he asks, "Faux mc-nerdi Hisa?"

The wall of gibberish hurled at His surprises Scott.The imp realizes from His confused expression that He does not comprehend what he just said.

“Dunom-bre.“,He walks away with a foreign language curse and a grimace.

"What did that mean?"Scott makes more requests than anyone else.

He cannot communicate in our language.A young man states the obvious: "He's tried talking to everyone Hise, but no one understands him."He remains a normal human being.A rat is tall and has dark brown hair, but he is still a human.

He is identified as a hunter by the rifle and his brown warning vest jacket.The young man is ratHis handsome, despite the absurdity of his attire.In the dim firelight, his dark green eyes particularly appear to sparkle.Scott also wonders why a brown warning vest would be worn.He concludes that it must be a hunter thing, despite the fact that it seems like it would defeat the purpose.

“Obviously, but what language is he speaking and why can't he speak ours?” Scott inquires as he settles down next to him.

Your body has changed, then.Perhaps his mind was affected as well.Or he's an alien who was brought to Hise, "the young man speculates.

Despite the fact that both concepts sound absurd, they appear unlikely in light of the events of today.“I’d say he’s just some tourist from China who doesn’t speak our language, or he’s playing a prank on us, and he’s just babbling gibberish,” Scott replies.

The young man says with a grin, "Maybe.In any case, he is not speaking Chinese.Moreover, my name is Fynn.

"This is Astrid."

He reclines in his chair.Therefore, Astrid, what does being an elf feel like?

He examines the query.Although it's nearly impossible to put into words how different His is from everything else, it feels that way.It's hard to put into words, but it feels like I'm stronger and more awake.A red glow appears to highlight living things as well, and some colors appear off.I'm also always hungry.That makes me wonder, "Is there anything here to eat?"

"I try not to show it, but I'm way too down to eat," he grins.You might want to inquire about His possessions with the woman in the kitchen.

The Hisiff's booming voice cuts like a knife through the room's conversation.Everyone, pay attention.

Astrid, who is about to get up, returns to her seat to hear His message.

The young elf continues, "I know that this is a very difficult situation, especially for those who have been turned, but we need to remain calm," after waiting for everyone to pay attention.I talked to the other person, and we discovered that there are enough beds and couches between our houses for everyone except the giant to sleep on the ground.We've split everyone up, so when I'm done, go to my wife and He'll tell you where to go.We'll all meet in the middle of the road between our houses at dawn tomorrow.Did everybody get that?”

The entire room nods in agreement.

“Good.Although we don't have enough food for everyone in our house, I know that the majority of you are probably starving.Therefore, dinner will only be served to children and the elderly.

The Hisiff's departure is accompanied by a disappointed mumbling.

Everyone else follows Astrid to the kitchen once more to let the woman know where He needs to go.

It turns out that He will sleep on a couch in the house across the street rather than in this one.Scott decides to just go to sleep because the elderly and children will soon be having dinner in the large house and he doesn't want to torture himself by sitting in one room away from a meal.

He takes a quick step outside and looks to the left and right.On His side, the forest appears to be a wall of pure darkness.The moon and stars are obscured by clouds, making the firelight behind His the only light source.The leaves are ruffled by a breeze, but other than that, the night is still.

The red outlines of nearby objects make them visible to Astrid, but the effect does not appear to last very long.The red portion of His vision only appears to function at a relatively close range, and anything further than a few paces from him is obscured by the darkness.

He has never been afraid of the night, but now He is afraid of what might be hidden right in front of Him.

He pounces on the door after sprinting across the street.Scott is allowed inside when an elderly woman with a flashlight opens the door.

This house is silent and even darker than the other one.Scott is not shocked.The majority of people are with their families.If He Were His, He'd probably be talking to His fatHis, reassuring His motHis that everything is fine, and reassuring His younger brothers.

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