Blood and Guns


Derek paced the room back and forth, it was the same room they always had their meetings; Jonathan was also there, occupying one of the dining chairs the room had while he sipped a beer.

Elena had told them to wait in the room, if Sam agreed to transfer the ownership of Ethan’s corporation she’d give them a call so the next process would be done, but however, it was almost two hours now and there hadn’t been any call from Elena.

Derek was starting to run out of patience, and he was getting uncomfortable with all of these acts, Jonathan had been compromised, if Elena didn’t get the right answer from Sam, she’d also be compromised, which means; one day, Sam would expose them to the police for threat and for killing his ex personal assistant.

Derek knew that Sam would have been told that Jonathan was in with them, and he was the one behind all these threats. If Elena’s approach didn’t work, he would be in a mess.

“Take a chill, Derek, don’t you trust your mother?” Jonat
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