Chapter 15: The Eclipse of Fate

The beast lunged forward with a snarling growl. Its body seemed to shift and writhe, as if it might be crafted from some species of dark liquid. Kael, Lysandra, and Eldric steeled themselves, their eyes fixed upon the unfolding danger. The chamber's self-destruction raged on-the walls and ceiling breaking asunder, each second a frantic flight against the clock.

Kael's sword glittered in the weak light, and he felt the weight of the creature's dark presence weighing upon him. Lysandra and Eldric stood beside him, their faces set in grim resolution.

"We need to take it down," Kael yelled over the din of crumbling wreckage and the creature's guttural roars. "Work together and find its weak spot!

Its eyes blazed with an eerie, malevolent light, as it let another bone-chilling roar loose. A huge, shadowy shape lashed out with tendrils of darkness, whipping through the air, forcing Kael and his companions to dodge and weave to keep their footing.

Lysandra sprang forward, her dagger flashing
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