Chapter 24

While Sara and Alicia were busy ordering their meals, Ryker arrived at the fifth floor of the sky lounge restaurant. The floors above were so exquisite that even a man as wealthy as Kelvin Grey could not easily afford to dine there.

Kelvin stood up the moment he saw Ryker, bowing to him. “Dominus, greetings.”

Ryker gave him a curt nod in response. “Greetings, you can just call me Ryker.”

“Greetings Mister Ryker,” Samantha, who was also present, stood up and bowed slightly.

“Greetings Mister Ryker,” Cage also said, standing up and bowing deeply to Ryker.

Ryker nodded at both of them and only when he sat down did the three of them also sit down.

Kelvin smiled from ear to ear, visibly happy that Ryker honoured his invitation.

“Mister Ryker, I didn’t think you would come, thank you so much,” He said with a broad smile, curtseying slightly.

“I gave you my word. So, why am I here?” Ryker replied.

“You must forgive me,” Kelvin said, dipping his hands into his pocket and taking out
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