Zion's actions had minimal physical harm on Boss Kent's men, primarily because their original intent was not to cause injury or take lives.

Instead, Victor's purpose was to make a statement, and in this regard, Zion executed that mission perfectly.

Nevertheless, this episode ignited a profound yearning within Victor to delve into the world of martial arts.

His newfound awareness of his potential, as conveyed by Butler Kain, had sparked a compelling curiosity about how he could embark on this martial arts journey.

This desire was driven by the realization that he possessed the innate abilities necessary to become a skilled martial artist, and now he was determined to explore and unlock that potential.

Boss Kent shifted his gaze from Zion to Victor, his stern expression reflecting a blend of curiosity and subtle approval.

With an air of calculated confidence, he finally voiced his thoughts, "It seems my initial assessment was accurate; you're akin to a hidden diamond in the mud. Hav
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