In the illusionary realm, Victor found himself confined within a dark, windowless chamber, illuminated only by a faint light bulb. In a swift twist of the surreal, the scenery transformed, revealing two divergent roads before him.

The first road promised success and wealth but demanded a harrowing sacrifice—his immediate family, comprising his beloved wife and daughter.

Conversely, the second path foretold a life marred by failure, with unrelenting oppression and bullying.

Enduring extreme torment within his wife's family, Victor would shield his loved ones from sacrifice but endure unbearable suffering.

The gravity of this decision weighed heavily on him, intensified by the realization that the torture on the second road would surpass the hardships of his actual life.

He knew the real life experience was a bitter one, especially when his daughter became sick. If it was because at that time Butler Kain contacted him, he didn't really know what he could have done.

Amidst these quand
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