Victor halted in his tracks, compelled to pause by the sudden outburst that reached his ears.

Swiftly turning in the direction of the voice, he found a young lady, elegantly attired and seemingly of the same age as him, swiftly making her way toward him.

Upon a single glance, Victor discerned that she hailed from a wealthy family.

Approaching Victor with an air of urgency, the young lady, without preamble, extended her hand and delivered a resounding slap. Victor, caught off guard by this unexpected turn of events, stood in disbelief.

Here he was, intending to offer assistance, only to find himself on the receiving end of an unexpected and stinging rebuke.

As he received the sharp slap, his gaze swiftly met Ella and Michael, who had trailed him and now found themselves amidst the onlookers.

Despite their instinct to intervene, the look in his eyes silently conveyed a plea for restraint.

Within the surrounding crowd, certain individuals who had previously cautioned Victor against a
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