Victor maintained a stoic silence, his gaze fixed on the woman's husband.

A chilling smile crept across his face, and the woman's husband, who had involuntarily dropped his cutlass, wore a fearful expression.

As he prepared to shout a warning to his men, it was already too late as they had closed in on Victor and were already dropping their battons and baseball bats

"Close your eyes," Victor instructed Amanda, who promptly obeyed.

The descending battons and baseball bats were met with Victor's swift defense, blocking them with his arms.

In a seamless sequence, he unleashed a barrage of punches and kicks, sending them all scattering through the air.

Amidst the chaos, the woman's husband sank to his knees, a blend of fear and regret etched across his face. "Please forgive me, Boss," he pleaded in a desperate plea for mercy.

His wife's voice pierced through the chaotic air, commanding, "Honey, why are kneeling? Deal with this stupid bastard!"

Ignoring the commotion around him, Victor
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