Within minutes, Zion pulled up in Victor's recently acquired, stylish BMW i8—a customized gift from Martin.

Victor's face lit up with a smile as he admired the car, finding it to be an ideal reflection of his personal taste and preferences.

Shortly thereafter, Elizabeth joined them outside the hospital, and the trio hopped into the sleek vehicle, swiftly departing towards their next destination.

Following Elizabeth's guidance, Zion navigated the winding roads for an hour and thirty minutes until the car could no longer proceed. They stopped on the mountainside, surrounded by breathtaking scenery.

As the trio descended from the vehicle, Victor inquired, "Is this where your father resides?"

Elizabeth affirmed with a nod, explaining, "Yes, he's been adamant about staying up here even before he fell ill. He claims to be waiting for someone."

Victor, while wary, trusted Elizabeth's intentions. Yet, his cautious nature prompted a furrowed brow. Nevertheless, reassurance came from having Z
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