David stopped the car and begun sniffing too.

There was no smell the place was smelling as it used to all the time.

David turned back and sniffed he saw Me Ninson Who was seriously sniffing around to the point of opening the door to get out of the car. He had forgotten about his condition and that moment, David looked at him as he opened the car to step out he shouted

Sir...!” and gave him an eye to look down It was then Mr. Ninson realized he was not in a good condition so he had to get back in the car. David glared at him for minutes and came out to close the door and asked

“ what were you talking about?”

Mr. Ninson was lost in his thoughts he was much focused on where this smell was coming from.

“ Sir! Are you alright?” David asked.

Mr. Ninson should not stop sniffing around in the car.

“ This whole thing about sniffing around is not working. This mail has been in the coffee yes and it's still the same thing You are just exaggerating sir.” David boldly said.

“. I am
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